Contended Soul Departs

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When the time of Sayyidah's death approached she told Hadrat Asma, the daughter of Omais that she did not like the way in which the funeral of a woman had been carried to the grave.

(Because a sheet was used to cover the dead through which the body was visible).

Hadrat Asma told her that in Habsha (Ethiopia) she had seen a different custom that they placed the branches of trees on the bed and then spread the sheet over them.

Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) liked this custom and advised that after her death she and Hadrat Ali should give bath to her body and should not seek assistance of any third person.

Hence, Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) was the first woman in Islam whose dead body was also covered in the above-mentioned way. She left this world on the 3rd of Ramadhan 11 AH at the age of 30. Hadrat Ali (Radi Allahu anho) led her funeral prayer in Jannat-ul Baqi. (Usdul Ghaba)

(Please note: No one can touch the body of his dead wife, as the death of a woman voids their marriage. it is also a special attribute of Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) that her death did not nulify their marriage. hence, Hadrat ali (radi allahu anho) remained her husband even after her death)

This Pious Lady who paid undivided attention to this point that she should remain hidden from the glance of strangers during her life time and was anxious that no person should see even her dead body wrapped in the shroud, will enjoy such a status on the day of resurrection that a herald will announce :

''O People! Lower down your gaze so that Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) the Daughter Of Muhammad (Sallall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wasallam) may pass from here''. (Usdul Ghaba, V: 5, P: 524)

Assalamu alaikum warahmatrhullahi wabarakathuhu. hmm Princess of paradise departed from this world, so this story ends.. May Allah cherish all of us with Jennah.. Insha allah ( if God wills) meet you people there.. Do Dua (pray) for me always.. with so much <3 Imraah:)

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