Punctilious daughter and Her generosity

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In the battle of Uhud, the Prophet of Islam (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wa Sallam) also sustained serious injuries on his head and cheek but he was protected by Allah (Subhanah Wa Ta’ala) through the unrivalled devotion of his companions, one of whom shielded the Beloved Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasallam) from the arrows of the enemy by his bare hands. In this state of confusion, some one shouted that the Beloved Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasallam) had been killed.

When this news reached Madina, Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu Anha) along with some other ladies, disregarding the horrible picture of the battle, reached the battlefield of Uhud.

She felt solace on seeing the Beloved Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasallam) alive. She bathed the wounds of her father again and again but the blood did not stop to flow particularly from the forehead.

She ultimately, burnt a palm-mat and put its ashes into the wound, which stopped the flow of blood.

Once the Blessed Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wa sallam) was offering prayer in Ka'aba Sharif. Uqba bin Abi Moit put the tripe of a camel on the back of the Blessed Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wasallam) while he was in prostration

Someone had told Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) about this nasty action of the non-Muslims.

She became restless, rushed towards Ka'aba Sharif and removed that tripe from the back of her father while those mischief-makers were laughing and clapping around.

She looked at them and said “You will be punished for this ill gesture by the Lord of Lords.” Her words proved true and after some years in the battle of Badr all those wicked people met their ends in a humiliating way.

Her Generosity

Hadrat Ibn-e-Abbas (Radi Allahu anho) reports that once Hadrat Ali (Radi Allahu anho) irrigated a garden throughout the night and he got some barley as wages.

Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) took some barley, ground them into flour and prepared food. When they intended to eat, just then an indigent knocked at the door and said: “I am hungry.” Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) gave all the food to that indigent. She then took some more barley, ground some more flour and prepared food from it. She had just finished cooking when an orphan came begging with hunger. Again all the food was donated to the orphan. Then she ground the remaining barley into flour and cooked food once again.

Meanwhile a polytheist captive asked food in the name of Allah (Subhanah Wa Ta’ala). Again all the food was given to him and all the family members remained hungry. Allah (Subhanah Wa Ta’ala) was so pleased at this noble gesture that he revealed this verse in the favour of this Blessed family:

“And they feed, for the love of Him, the poor, the orphan and the prisoner''. (AL-Dahr, 29:8 )

Once an old man, from Banu Solaim tribe embraced Islam. The Beloved Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wa sallam) asked him: “Do you have some fortune?” He submitted: “By Allah, I am the poorest one among the three thousand persons of Banu Solaim.” Huzoor (Salla Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi wasallam) took a glance at his companions and said: “Who will help this poor?” Hadrat Saad bin Ubadah stood up and said:

“O Messenger of Allah! I have a dromedary which I will give him.”

Huzoor (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “Who is there among you to cover his head?” Hadrat Ali (Radi Allahu anho) stood up and put his turban on the head of that Bedouin.

The Prophet of the Universe (Salla Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi wa Sallam) again asked who will arrange food for him. Hadrat Salman Farsi took the Bedouin along with him and went out to arrange food for him he asked from some people but found nothing from them. At last, he knocked at the door of Hadrat Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) house. “Who is there outside?” She inquired. Hadrat Salman Farsi (Radi Allahu anho) narrated the whole story and submitted:

“O daughter of the True Messenger of Allah! Arrange some food for this poor man, please.” Having tears in her eyes, Sayyida Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) said: “O Salman, by Allah! We have been starving for the last three days. Both children have slept hungry but I will not let you go empty-handed. Take my shawl of Fatima the daughter of Muhammad (Sallall Allahu Ta’ala Alaihi Wa Sallam) and give something to this poor man.”

Hadrat Salman (Radi Allahu anho) took the Bedouin and the shawl to the house of a Jew and told him the entire story. Startled by this news, he cried out: ''O Salman! By God, these are the people about whom the torah have given information. Be my witness, I believe in the father of Fatima.” He gave some grain to Hadrat Salman (Radi Allahu anho) and also returned the shawl to Sayyida Fatima (Radi Allahu anha).

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