Broken Things

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It has been a couple days since Mark asked me to meet his mother.

I got up and left Mark in bed before he could ask again today. I threw on some tight running shorts and a bright sports bra. Tying my running shoes, I put my headphones in and hopped in my car. I drove to a near by national park to run.

I only liked to run on hilly areas surrounded my nature for some reason. It was just so gorgeous and reminded me of home.

I stretched outside my car before running still thinking about visit Mark's mother. Running to a mix of music like Oiki and their song Groove and to and array of Shirk.

All I could think about was how could I tell Mark that I'd be happy to visit his mother, but I couldn't return the favor. How my family situation is so messed up and nowhere near a family anymore.

I ran about 3.5 miles and turned to run back. I stopped at my car for my water bottle. Luckily I brought a towel to wipe down with before getting back in my car.

On the drive back I decided I will tell Mark everything today. I parked my carb in the driveway, grabbed my water bottle and towel to head inside. Once I was inside I saw Ryan and Matt on the couch.

They paused the game they were playing and stared at me. Ryan's eyes got big when he half yelled at me, "Where have you been?"

"I went out for a run, duh." I motioned to my clothes.

"Mark has been anxious and upset that you have been avoiding him." Matt replied, his eyes full of concern.

"If you don't want to meet his mother, just tell him!" Ryan half yelled again throwing his hands out.

"Hey! Calm down!" I screamed back at Ryan. "I don't want to meet his mother okay?" I pointed a finger at Ryan while yelling.

"Then what's going on with you?" Matt stood up now upset as well.

I backed against a wall and slid down, bringing my knees to my chest. "Maybe I am upset that I know I can't return the favor. I know Mark will expect to meet my parents, and  he can't. And I don't know how to tell him!" I broke down dropping my head to my knees.

"What do you mean?" Matt softened his tone of voice.

"What I mean is that my mother passed away of cancer four years back and my father has been MIA since I was born.
I have no one." I said quietly.

"Lydia, you have me. You have all of us." A deep voice spoke out. I looked up to see Mark's face. His face seemed twisted of pain and guilt.

"Mark." I breathed out.

"Hey, guys can you give us a minute?" Mark looked at Matt and Ryan. They left to their rooms shortly after.

Mark walked over and slid down the wall sitting next to me. He pushed one arm around my shoulders and pulled my head down to his chest.

"Hey, I never expected you to show me off to your family. I just wanted to show my mother the beautiful brainiac of a woman that I love." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I just feel so guilty." I choked out.

"Why? None of this is something you could've done or prevented." Mark said calmly.

"I never visit their graves, I never have sought out my father, and I just feel alone. I am the only one left." I sighed.

"Lydia, you have me. You will always have me. No matter what, I am yours." Mark lifted my face to his and kissed the tears away from my cheeks.

"I love you."

"I know, I love you too." He stood me up and carried me to his bedroom.

He plopped me on his bed and sniffed my neck. "You need a shower. Why don't you take a shower to relax some?"
He turned to leave, to let me unwind.

"Mark," I stopped him when he was at the doorframe about to exit, "can you get me that extra plane ticket?" I asked mousy.

A slow smile spread across his face, "Of course." And then he left, closing the door behind him.

After showering, I went downstairs to play with the dogs. I played with Chica and Lego for hours it seemed. Ryan joined in to play as well.

"Hey, just so you know, we are family. Okay?" Ryan said ruffling Lego's scruff.

"Really?" I asked while rubbing Chica's belly.

"Yeah, Matt and I decided we are going to adopt you to be our sister." Ryan said with a small chuckle and big dopey smile. 

"Oh okay!" I laughed. "So does that mean, y'all are gunna pick on more?"

"Well, if your Southern accent keeps slipping through like that, we might have to change your name from Stiff to Hick." Ryan laughed hard at his own joke.

"Well, hardy har har." My voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey, Matt's joke not mine!" Ryan lifted his hands up in surrender.

"Wait, what'd he say bout me?" I said in a thicker accent.

"Well, he just said that joke once and I thought it was hilarious and now here we are." Ryan said while petting Chica more.

"I see, I see." I thought long and hard over an idea that formed in my head.

"Hey, I have a thought. What if I showed y'all my neck of the woods?" I asked.

"Huh?" Ryan squinted at me confused.

"Here, let me rephrase that. Why don't I show you all where I came from. Like you all come to Southeast Missouri with me some time and I show you what country life is?"

"I don't know, that sounds scary." Matt came from the stairs over to us, sounding sarcastic.

"Whatever, anytime you pansies what to see my hometown, lemme know." I laughed while leaving the boys downstairs. I found my way to Mark's room, but I overheard him talking to someone.

"I know, I know. I should have introduced you to her way earlier, Mom. But she is different. She is different from the girls in the past. She matters. She is so headstrong and independent. She is amazing."

There was a pause and Mark ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, she's still in college, a grad student. She is going to finish this summer-"

His mom must've cut him off.

"Mom, she's um... Basically a business management major. She loves nature!"

"Yes, Mom, I know, I know. But the thing is, she is very shy in a way. It is hard for her to express her feelings, you see, she is used to being alone- not relying on others. So I had to go slow with her, I didn't want to lose her. When I say 'I love you' I have never meant so much in my life until now."

"Okay, Mom. I will see you next week. I promise you will love her. Goodbye Mom, I love you." Mark paused to listen to his Mother and then hung up the phone. He got up and went to the bathroom, so I made my move inside.

I changed and slid into bed. Shortly after Mark came in and wrapped his arm around me.

"Lydia, I love you. You know that right?" He said while leaning into the back of my head.

I turned to face him. "Mark, you know that I love you back, right?"

Mark laughed softly before kissing my forehead. I rested my head in his warm embrace for the night.

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