Chapter 1 - District 2

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I bolt up from the cold side of the bed, panting. Again, I've been having the same nightmare, over and over again. Unclear flashes, like a buffering film. And then I always wake up, right where the action takes place; the ceiling collapses in the dark and enclosed space and I'm pinned to the floor. I know what it is, it's just the same thing every night, flashing like lightning, then leaving me in a dripping cold sweat as it fades away before my eyes. 

I drag myself out of bed and immediately head for the bathroom, hoping my brother hasn't used all the hot water, so when I got into the shower, I sigh in relief when hot water hits my skin like gentle prickles.

In this part of the district, we have plenty of hot water, rationed daily, but we get more than any other district; even the 'poorer' people in our district have more hot water than the wealthier people of district 10, 11 and 12. I don't think it's very fair, but we're the Capitol's lapdogs, all the best for the very district that remained loyal to the ones who fed them and protected them. To me it just sounds like they picked the side they knew were going to win.

Once I changee into my clothes for school,  I make my way down towards the kitchen.

It isn't much, but it's home, and I love it. It's not a Victor's house, but it's perfect for me. Wooden floors and lightly painted walls that always shine as if recently polished, clear-cut windows with every corner perfectly angled and various -but few- decorations and ornaments that line the walls and floors: plants, paintings, portraits. Most them are gifts from my youngest Aunt who lives in the Capitol, but she's a bit of an odd one, so I don't speak to her much.

I walk into the kitchen to see one of my brothers, in his Peacekeeper uniform, gather his things as he prepares to leave. Mother sits on the other side of the table, writing out who knows what on tatty pieces of paper that I can only assume are the trading files she has to sort out every day of her life.

"Leaving so soon Bartie?" I smirk at my brother as I take his seat at the table. He turns to face me from just as he's about to leave. I don't speak to Bartie much, but he's always there to make me feel better whenever Mother makes a stark comment. He seems to care.

"Some of us have Peace-Keeping to do sister, and besides, don't you have maps to colour in?" He taunts before walking out the front door of the house. He has to make the journey to the shuttle; each village has two, one for bringing us kids to school, the other to transport Peacekeepers to the mountain base, the miners have to walk. Most of the Peacekeepers in Panem are trained here, my two brothers Bartholomew and Thaddeus are just lucky enough to be able to work close to home.

Thad is 24, and he recently got back from working in District 12 - he said it was horrible, but I don't want to talk about that, I hate the treatment of the outer-lying Districts, it's just cruel. Bartie is 20, and he recently got back from District 1 - he said he'd loved it there, and that the style there was "Better than the Capitol's by a long-shot". Of course I hit him around the head for that, you always have to be careful about what you say, in our District more than any other; the amount of Peacekeepers here makes the Law that much stronger on us. Last week, a boy from the poorer villages got whipped outside school for taking extra food, but I couldn't watch, I hate to see others suffering, especially when I'm so privileged compared to most people.

Enough of the heavy. I shouldn't be complaining about how unfair things are when I got the longer stick.

"I hope you're planning on improving your levels at school because your teacher called in this morning, said you were 'unfocused and lacked enthusiasm'. Care to explain?" My mother asks, not shredding the slightest bit of kindness in her tone or in her dark eyes. I was used to this.

"It's the dreams again." I mumble as I look down at the golden feast that has been put down in front of me, and I smiled at the rare sight of pancakes.

"Oh come on Althea!" My Mother whines, throwing down her papers. "You can't keep blaming your failures on some memory you can't forget! How badly will your failures reflect on us? And then how badly would people start thinking of us when we have to take you to the Doctor about this, huh?" She exclaims shaking her head as her dark eyes bore into mine, just daring me to disappoint her. I should be used to this by now, but why does it hurt every time she tells me I'm not good enough?

It isn't my fault that the History of Panem bores me, especially all that pride about "how strong District 2" were to "remain loyal". What I'm only interested in, is Mathematics and Physical Education. Being the main Peacekeeper District, we learn with a warrior mindset, and I never go down easily.

"Calm down Mother," My older brother Maximilian chuckles as he saunters into the kitchen, "She's probably not drinking enough, it's been associated with poor concentration." He shrugs, stealing a piece of toast whilst Mother wasn't looking. Maximilian turned 18 three weeks ago, and he's starting his Peacekeeper training this week. At least he doesn't have to work in the mines, I'd hate to, especially after what happened last time I went there.

"Yes but what I'm trying to say is," Mother had to pause, "I don't want the Mayor to see me as an unfit Mother, and that our family are failures... Think about Alfred and Isabella," She lowers her voice and reaches out for my hand, "I just don't want to see them end up in the Community Home."

I think about what she said. In the poorer villages, they rarely have mine explosions, but those oddities leave Mothers who are unable to look after their children, and they get put in that home. I coudn't imagine my baby siblings in there, alone and sad, they're not even 10! The last couple of explosions and collapses...well let's say they definitely took their toll on people, including me.

Maybe I should make more of an effort - if it all depends on how I'm doing, then I've got to try. I don't care about reputation, that's my parents, not me. I care about showing my parents I'm not the waste of space they think I am and making my own success.

"Okay," I sigh as I finish my pancakes, not a crumb left behind, "I'll try, but this isn't for you, it's for Alfie and Izzy." I say clearly before I make my way out of the kitchen, leaving my Mother and her unnecessary worries behind. 

As I brush my teeth, I think about what my Mother said. Her and Dad usually ignore me, but the slightest news that good isn't being bought to the Aldjoy name, they start paying attention. Whatever, I don't need this. I just need a Capitol job so I can get away from here. I'm fed up of being a disappointment. I need to something big.

Well, that's the first chapter, first time doing this so tell me what you think people!

That's Chloe Grace Moretz on the side, she's such a talented young actress and it's how I've imagined Althea - but if you can't picture her like that, absolutely no problem!!

The song I think suited this is When We Were Younger by You Me At Six (one of my favourite bands I've seen live!) listen to the lyrics, it shows the relationship between Althea and her parents...

Yo who wants dedications?? Follow, comment (constructively) Vote and lemme' know if you want one!! xD 

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