Chapter 9 - Training (Part 2)

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"I don't see why we can't practice like we would back home." Mason sighs as we make our way down the elevator for our second day of training. Last night saw yet another argument between Mason and Zachariah, to which Guinevere was forced to split up. Guinevere said Zachariah "can't take the fact that Mason's exactly like he was at this age - impulsive, cocky, arrogant and talented". 

I just see someone who's had life far too easy for a citizen of Panem.

"Well if you think about the things that were said last night, that should give you an idea." I scoff to Mason, my fists clenching by my sides at his arrogance. He has no idea that Zachariah doesn't want us to go through what he did.

"He's just upset that he never got this much attention when he won the Games." Mason spat, his eyes looking like tunnels once more.

"Mason!" I shout at him, the anger and shock breaking through the tone of my voice. Mason just clenches his teeth, staring at the floor, obviously going into another one of his brooding, child-like tantrums. "I don't care what you think, but if you knew what that man has been through-" I cut myself off, thinking back to the heart-wrenching story that Guinevere had told me back home. "He's been to hell and back thanks to the Games, he's lost everything, and you've got the audacity to accuse him of jealousy?

"He's won the games Althea, he has every right to be at ease with life now! Why should he take his misery out on you and me?" He shouts back, his dark eyes angry and tempestuous.

"No one ever wins these games, Mason! The day he won, he was only a survivor! He is on the road to the Games for the rest of his life, preparing children for their deaths!" 

"Well why not let us show the others that they can't touch us?" He questions me.

"Because there are other people who are stronger than us Mason, we should spend this time overcoming them, not showing off!" I shout back at him, but I'm not sure the meaning has hit home, "We need to prepare ourselves in this time, we'll be lucky to have someone else kill us in this competition, and I'm not making an enemy out of you." 

"I don't want to make one out of you either, I just don't see why we have to make ones out of everyone else!" 

"Because they'll turn around and kill you when they get the chance Mason, you know the District Four kids will!" 

"Then I'd rather them kill me than you have to Althea!" He says, his eyes desperate and pleading. 

I didn't really want to speak anymore on the topic. I didn't really want to speak to him at all after this.

The elevator conveniently arrives on our floor, and as soon as the door opens, I do not hesitate to get out of there and away from Mason Clay. 

This day goes relatively fast, Mason and I training separately once more, him focusing on proving his strengths and intimidating everyone, whilst I take to honing my lesser able skills. I end up befriending the girl from District 11, Savera Odinshoot, and unlike me, she knows a great deal about plants.

She also seems pretty proficient at healing, and she shows me how I'll be able to seal a flesh wound and heal a third degree burn. She's my age, and judging by the fairly dark colour of her skin, I think she must work on the fields back in District 11, a stark contrast to my pale skin and blonde hair. Not hard to guess who had the harder upbringing, hey? By the end of the two hours here, I'm skilled in the healing arts, and it's a good job I'm not queasy, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this in the Arena.

I end up at the archery station with her, reciting everything that Jasper had shown me yesterday, helping achieve proper form, standing properly and the best length at which to pull the arrow back at.

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