Chapter 13 - Final Preparations

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Watching myself on the replay channel after dinner is like watching a different person imitating me. This girl is confident, this girl is wholesome, she's charming, flirtatious, smart, amusing and witty - everything I couldn't be.

Up until now at least. I feel as if I was acting superficial, but the others assure me I'm not, and that it's the type of thing the audience love.

Guinevere is acting like a proud mother, singing my praises to anyone she can talk to, and Dixie is weeping joyful tears at how well-mannered I was in comparison to my normal self. Zachariah is more than pleased with Mason's performance, especially the stunt with the flame suit, and keeping mine and his relationship ambiguous, yet clear we don't like each other.

Watching Mason sparks envy in me. I wish I have his confidence, his charisma, the way he can connect easily with anyone and everyone. It's crystal clear he's the favourite this year, and it's dawned on me now that it's not because he's had the glory handed to him on a plate, it's because he really is  worth sponsoring and rooting for. He's the ideal Tribute.

Now I certainly feel threatened.

This time tomorrow, we'll be on our way to whatever death Arena has been fashioned for us this year, and Zachariah, Guinevere and Dixie are leaving us tonight. Final goodbyes will be hard, especially for me and Guinevere. I've always looked up to her, and it may be the last time I get to see her.

Dixie makes some heartfelt speech about how she couldn't have asked for finer Tributes despite the bickering.

"You wil always be the best I've had, She sobs, "And even if next year's are better, I'll still remember how perfect you two were! My Twelves!" And with actual tears in her eyes, she leaves the room in a flurry.

"That was unexpected." I lament, and Mason chuckles besides me.

"Well you guys, I guess this is goodbye." Zachariah sighs walking up to the two of us, and I can't say I'm starting to get scared with their departure. What hope will be left after they've gone?

"Any last advice?" Mason asks, his tone to Zachariah ever-horrible.

"If you have to go to the Cornucopia, get what you can, but get out of there, take supplies from the outer circle and get out of there. Get a good water supply, but if it's too near the Cornucopia, find an alternate supply. Find shelter, and conceal any smoke fire - do not leave snare trails, other Tributes can track you that way. Destroy any remnants of where you're staying at all costs. You can survive seven days without eating, but less than one without water." 

I process all the information, and I plan to force myself to comply to every warning given once in the Arena. No matter how tempting something may be.

Guinevere and I exchange tearful goodbyes, and she's breaking down, so I need to be strong for the two of us. It's the best thing I can do for now.

"If the occasion arises where you have to fight," She sobs, "Just remember how you beat Zenobia - you're faster than the others Althea, you can actually do this. Find daggers, knives, anything, and if there's nothing, you can easily carve a knife, just do what you can to protect yourself. Worry about no one else." 

I think about what she says, but I'm interrupted by her intensive sobbing, and I think about how much worse my family could be doing. I remember something, and I dash to my room momentarily.

"When this is all over," I say, and a tear pricks at my eye, "Give these to my Mother - if I don't- if I don't- just tell her I'm sorry, and it was all to show her I was worth rooting for, and not a total waste. I only wanted her to be proud." I hand her the pearls I'd worn to the Reaping, my family's pearls. I wanted my mother to have them.

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