Chapter 11 - Who Will I Be?

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"Althea, wake up my Twelve!" Dixie coos from behind my door, and I can hear the rapid tapping of her knuckles as she attempts to wake me up, "We've got a big day ahead of us and there's simply no time to lose!" 

I reluctantly get out of bed, cursing myself for never seeming to get enough sleep in these luxurious beds.

I quickly get a shower without managing to press any wrong combinations on the button pads and then I join the others for breakfast. Dixie, Zachariah, Guinevere and Mason are all huddled around the table in a deep conversation, and immediately, I'm angered by the fact that Mason has tried to get ahead in this by cutting me out. It would've probably helped if I'd gotten up earlier.

"So you'll both be playing the same story, that you were both bought up in the hardships of District 2, rivals in the sense that you cannot stand each other?" Zachariah asks, his voice deep, probably from a hangover. 

"Not really much of a story," I scoff as I take my seat next to all of them, making a start on my breakfast. Mason smiles from opposite me, the fact as true as day.

"Well I see differently," Guinevere smirks, a mysterious glint to her eyes, "You two seem to be working together pretty well, maybe we can sell the united front?" 

"Yeah but everyone loves a good bit of rivalry and drama!" Dixie claps her hands from the head of the table, "You can always clarify the fact that you still hate each other despite being a team!" She chuckles with her odd squeaky accent before drinking some water. Nice to see she shook off the wine after last night. I don't think I'd seen Zachariah look after anyone in the same states that he gets into. Although I'm pretty sure it could be something other than alcohol he gets into, I just can't figure out what...

"That's not a bad idea actually," Zachariah agrees, and I have to do a double take to make sure I wasn't imagining him agreeing with Dixie, and Mason sends a confused look too, "You guys can talk each other down all you want on stage, gripping the audience's attention."

"And when you put across your hate for each other," Guinevere adds in, "We'll have them right where we want them - the sponsors will be hammering down the money for you two..." The mysterious glint from her eyes has spread to her smile, and I don't like the idea she has. 

"So," Mason clears his throat, "What's the plan of action?"

"You are to be trained together, that way we can coordinate what you say." Dixie says. 

"You'll spend four hours with Guinevere and I for content so you know what you'll actually be saying and what not to say." Zachariah says before he clears his throat. 

"Then the rest of the day with me for presentation!" Dixie squeals in excitement, and I dare to imagine what she'll have Mason and I doing. I have no idea what exactly we'll be doing for content, but Guinevere and Zachariah are paying attention to every last detail. 

"You both achieved the top training scores, made an unforgettable entrance as well as being the Tributes from one of the most influential Districts," Zachariah says, studying the two of us, abstaining from any form of a smile, "What's any of that without a good personality?" 

"So we just need to be confident?" Mason asks with a shrug. How cocky, he thinks he's already got it sorted.

"It's a lot more than that," Guinevere sighs, "You've got to choose a certain mindset and stick to it - are you going to be mysterious? Charming? Cocky? These are the type of things that will determine what you get from the sponsors and whether or not they choose to support you." 

What approach could I take? Could I pass for brutal? Flirtatious? Funny? I grew up watching these things, so I know all too well what Guinevere and Zachariah are talking about, I just need to figure out how to go about things. I'm not a people person, but surely I can find a way to be as cheery as I was in the Parade?

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