Chapter 2 - The Academy

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I walk out of school, the fresh air hitting me immediately. District 2 is situated under what was known as the Rocky Mountains, right under the Capitol, so the weather is mostly nice, and the scenery is very beautiful. My house is by a large lake that's next to a mountain but school is on the other side of town, so I have to get the shuttle to school. Our village is one of the richer villages and it is called Divitiae; I don't know what it means, but at school they say it's another ancient word. 

I walk quietly towards the shuttle line, not paying attention to anything in particular as the rest of the kids my age scuttle about restlessly, the excitement of getting home obviously too overwhelming.

"Hey Althea!" I hear a female voice call out to me, so I turn around to see my best friend Valeria slowly jog up to meet me, and I smile at her. She's so pretty, prettier than the rest of us hope to be; flaming red hair, dark eyes and a good complexion that shows she's never had to work a day in her life. Then there's me, frizzy dirty blonde hair that is as wild as whatever lies behind the fences that surround our district.

Unlike her however, I could last a day in the real world - I know how to fight and defend myself yet Valeria couldn't hurt a fly. She doesn't train in the academies very often like I do. And she doesn't get beaten up by older brothers like I do. You could say she's more of a people-person, but I don't want to get started on that.

"Valeria! You headed to the Academy?" I ask pointing to the shuttle with my thumb. I hoped she'd be there, it's sad to say she's my only friend and training alone gets tiresome when you don't have someone to boast to or intimidate. 

"No actually, I'm headed to the markets, so I can walk there with you at least." She sighs as we begin our route to the shuttle. She heads to the black market most days to pick up medicine for her sick brother and supplies for her Mother, so it's unsurprising that I don't see her a lot outside of school, but we often go swimming in the lakes together, have races that kind of stuff, so we still have fun now and then.

Five minutes sitting by the window of the shuttle, chatting to Valeria about our most recent school projects, and I'm by the Child Training Facility - it was originally a Peacekeeper training ground, but they made better use of the mountain in the centre of town, so the Mayor allowed the children to use this for 'recreational purposes'. It's basically where we train from early ages to become Peacekeepers so we can begin work at a high-standard of fighting, athletics and knowledge.

It's a large dome, like an arena, and it's never too crowded as only the lucky families could place their children here, and those parents plan on their children being Peacekeepers. I don't intend to become one. I'm only here to appease my Mother. I want a job in the Capitol, and I won't get there unless I become Mayor or win a Games.

I don't like the Hunger Games one bit - it's just a sick 'show' where the moronic Capitol citizens root for their favourites, bet on who'll die first and cry when someone's throat gets cut. It's only there to show us how we are completely at the Capitol's mercy, and I hate being reminded that. But...then again, it's one of the only ways I see myself getting away from here, something I could see myself winning. 

The training stations aren't all that, just a couple of small hand-to-hand combat mats and one large one, a few target training facilities with arrows, spears and swords, agility training, that stuff, test stations for knowledge, speed and agility and some more stuff that tests our every asset. I get changed into the athletic gear they offer, and prepare for my training.

"Prepared to embarrass yourself Aldjoy?" The voice startles me, making me jump slightly and drop the sword I was carrying.

Mason Clay is an arrogant 17-year old who has life better off more than anybody else in District 2; his Father was one of the first Victors (he's very young) and his Grandfather was a Capitol Lieutenant in during the Dark Days. His family are in favour of the Capitol, therefore he always gets special treatment, especially at school. He's always been my rival, and always will be.

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