Help Me//not really a poem//a rant

18 1 3

Blah blah writers block I don't even know please help also thank you for so many reads I'm about to die because j want to write a poem but I can't think of anything and it's annoying the shit out of me and oh my lord it's so irritating like I could seriously write a poem about McDonalds right now please help I don't know oh my god I don't know what's the heck this paragraph is just a long run-on sentence and I don't give a crap I just wanna upload something please help someone ideas someone can I cuddle with someone I just want to feel warmth can I just upload this and count it as an update background noises are distracting and I hate them and I really just like silence but my thoughts pour over me like that cool lemonade pitcher your Aunt Susy has and I just really want some lemonade and why does it have to rain we are already blessed so why I want a vibe and currently it's self destructing please someone help me I want a drink and food and gosh I just want my writers block to go away and my taste and wow ok toupee man is going to another state screw my republican family Taylor can I move in with you even if they are the slightest homophobic I just need to get away because all I can think about is twenty one piløts and how adorable they are and I just want to hug them like they save me pray to them and FURNITURE STORES MAKE ME FRUSTURATED!!!! Ok I think I'm done oh wait no I'm not because this rant shouldn't be yet. people grow up. Rape isn't funny. Rape jokes aren't funny. Stop Rape. Okay now I'm done.

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