The End.

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Hello, I'm Park.
This is one of the best and worst announcements I will ever after to make in my entire life. But this announcement is that this chapter, is the end. This is the end of a very very important piece of literature that with some editing I hope gets published one day. This book means more than the world too me.
I don't know how or what you guys think of me, your probably fed up with me. I've lied, not on purpose though. I've sometimes not updated till a month later. And some of my poems are downright trash. But I've realized my lack of motivation is because I just need to close this book and move on. Move on from this depressing and confusing and overall dysphoric side of me. So I'm ending this book with a more than earth-sized thank you. I could have never gotten to almost 3k reads without all of you. And that is all I could never ask for. When I first started this book, I never thought I would get over 200. But here I am, standing. Alive. Well. Not confused, for the most part.
So ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary pals I call this book to an end. A needed end.
But now for some announcements.
I am publishing three new books!!!
One of them republished, and the second one coming soon!!!
The first one is Mr. Locker room, which is not poetry but it is about a girl who ends up forced in a locker room by a crowd of jocks days on end.
This second book is indeed a POETRY book but not told in my point of view. It's told from the characters point of view. It is called 4/20.
The third book is called Platonically, a poetry book just like this one. By me, for everyone.
Thank you so very very much.
Make sure to check out my new works (with weekly updates starting soon).
And goodbye.
- Park

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