Chapter 9 - Party?

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(Y/N)'s POV:
If someone saw me right now, they would think I'm going insane. No, seriously. As soon as I got home, I rewatched the whole series of this show called Minecraft Diaries (I did this for ideas for my new book, don't judge) trying to get my mind off of all my feelings. My mind was a buzz since yesterday and this morning. Pretty much all of the guys I know confessed their love for me in one day! I barely could wrap my mind around the idea. The question Travis asked me has been nagging at me all day long. No matter what I do, it won't stop.

Who do you like the most?

I couldn't choose. They are all very sweet guys. Honestly, sometimes I feel like they are too kind and I don't deserve them as friends. It would break my heart to hurt any of the other guys. I still feel really bad about the Olive Garden incident. Fortunately, the police found Michi guilty and arrested her for property damage as well and injuring me so that was one thing off my chest.
Still, the question remains. Who do I like the most? My attention is diverted when I get a text from Aph.

Aph-watcha up 2? we havent seen u since olive garden
(Y/N)-nutin much, im thinking bout hosting party
Aph-PARTY?!??!?! When?
(Y/N)-I dunno, maybe 2nite?
Aph-wat kind of party? want sum help?
(Y/N)-dinner party and that wood b amazin! Thx
Aph-k, we be there in like 5
(Y/N)-K, cya then!

Party? Where did that come from? Ughh. I look at the clock and see it's 3:10pm. Okay (Y/N), planning a party, think. What do I even need for the party? I have no ides what I'm doing anymore, everything is all jumbled up with emotions and my other thoughts, like a tossed salad.

Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!

"Coming!" I yell. I see Aph standing there and open up for her. "Hey (Y/N)!" She squeals. "Hey Aph! Look, I need some help inviting people and setting up." I say. "Kawaii~Chan could go invite people!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims, appearing behind Aph. "Kawaii~Chan, I need some help with cooking so I would love it if you helped. I can cook, but not as good as you." I explain. "I should've stayed home." Katelyn grumbles. "Sorry Katelyn, you can go home if you want. I have enough help here." I offer. "No, you are still kind of hurt because of Michi. *scowls* As your friend, I will help you." She says, she looks at us and smiles. "Katelyn, you can help me clean up while Kawaii~Chan starts cooking. "Anything?" Kawaii~Chan asks. "Anything." "EEEEEE!" Kawaii~Chan screams in excitement.
"Aph, could you tell everyone to come at 5:30? Also, tell them that this is sort of an apology dinner for everyone." "What for?" She asks. "Olive Garden..." I say sadly. "Everyone knows that wasn't your fault!" Katelyn says, coming up behind me. "Yeah, I know, but I feel bad. Plus, I just feel then need to have a party!" I say, cheering up a bit. "Okay then, let's get to work!"

Wow, you are messed up. Man, those boys can really get to you. Oh well, neighborhood party!!! I wonder what will happen now? :0 Sorry about the short chapter! Next one will be longer, I promise! Remember to stay tuned for more and hope you enjoyed!

 Diamonds (MyStreet Guys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now