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Okay...I lied...I picked 6 winners! Sorry, pls no hert meh. ;-;

ANYWAYS! The reason is I had so many entries, more than I expected, I just had to choose another! Oh, I lied again...I actually needed 2 girls....soooo yeah..... Before you people kill me, here are the top 6!

Side note; the numbers are not who I liked best from 1-6, they are simply numbers. I loved all entries and it was impossible to choose! No joke, I actually took 1 hour to decide. Yeah, I know, no life. xD Alright HERE WE GO!!!!

Entry #1 - Hunter James from SurviveTheVirus

Entry #2 - Soul Dark from DJ_Mystrix

Entry #3 - Kitty Cat from KittyWritezStuffz

Entry #4 - Hazel May Xion from TheHipsterOtaku

Entry #5 - Jake Madison from Wolf_Gem

Entry #6 - Flicker Blaze from ChubbyTink

And that's it! Yet, I have a runner up that I thought did really well and was worth mentioning!

Jordan Tower from SheaTheNerd

Thank you for all the wonderful entries! I really enjoyed reading them and promise another OC contest in the future!

Side note for all winners; I liked your characters and their personalities and styles, but I like a different name better than the one you chose. I would like to ask for your permission to change the name if I do in fact use your OC. If you like the name you chose and don't want me to change it, that's perfectly okay! It just didn't feel right to alter your character without asking. Just DM (Direct Message) me your answer please! If no answer, I will assume you don't want your name changed and therefore will not change it. Not to be rude, but please hurry with the responses so that I can get to writing the next chapter!

Again, thank you for all the entries! See ya later ladies and gents! Weef out.

 Diamonds (MyStreet Guys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now