Chapter 32 - Holiday

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(Y/N)'s POV:
"VYLAD!" I scream. Vylad is downstairs in an instant and looks at me partially confused and worried. "What's up?" "Fourth of July is right around the corner!!!" I squeal a bit. "" he said, tilting his head a bit. "Well, it's when the amazing firework shows happen and we get to run around with sparklers!" I said practically jumping up and down.
"Really? Huh. My family never celebrated Fourth of July so I don't know much about it," Vylad says shrugging his shoulders. "REALLY?!?!??!" I said shocked," Oh ho ho HO! I'm gonna fix that and make it the best Fourth of July ever! Just you wait!" I head over to grab my stuff and wall towards the garage. "Hey! Where are you going?" Vylad asks curiously. I simply reply, "You'll see," and stride out the door.

~With the power of Stutter King Garroth, we are presented with a time skip~

Vylad's POV:
Tomorrow was Fourth of July and everyone was acting quite strange. (Y/N) wouldn't let me into her room anymore and apparently Garroth was receiving the same treatment. Of course, Zane lived with no one, but he told me that Aphmau forbid anybody from going into her basement. Knowing Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn, they probably went down there already.
I really want to see what's in (Y/N)'s room, but I also didn't want to ruin the surprise. I'm completely torn between the two options, but curiosity got the best of me.

When (Y/N) had left the house, I stealthily walked towards her room and and creaked open the door. In a honesty, I didn't really have to be so cautious since she wasn't in the house, but it made me feel a bit better. I peaked inside to find absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in her room. Huh, nothing eh?
Normally, I would just leave it be and go back to my own business, but I was desperate to get a taste of what was going to happen.

I checked her bathroom.
Underneath the bed.

I was very frustrated when I couldn't find a single hint of what she was up to. Disappointed, I trudged out the door and went back to watching anime.
The rest of the day was nothing special and (Y/N) had left once again. This time though, she didn't return. I got extremely worried that she got hurt or something so I called her.
"Hello?" said a voice on the other end of the line.
"(Y/N), are you okay? It's getting late and you still aren't back yet."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just forgot to tell you I'm spending the night at Aphmau's place."
"Thanks for worrying about me though. Good night Vylad."
You know when something exciting is going to happen the next day and you can't sleep because the anticipation is killing you? Well, that's what happened to me tonight. I was tossing and turning in my bed until midnight just imagining what tomorrow will be like. I can't wait!

And guess what? You people will be tossing and turning until I finish the next chapter! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M EVIL! Don't worry, I have tons in store for the next one so it will be fairly long. See ya later nerds!
Weef out.

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