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--- Jacob's POV ---

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking the sleep away. It was dark, but I could see perfectly clear. My room was smaller than usual, much smaller. 'Or perhaps I am bigger? Ahh, a dream? Interesting. Let us explore this dream realm...'

I slid out of the bed, pulling on the pants next to the bed slowly, reveling in the power I felt in my arms and hands. 'So this is the power of an adult? Very amusing.'

At only 9 years old, I was just as weak as any other young child in the palace, even with the training my mother and my personal trainer made me do every day to strengthen me. The other children trained as well, so perhaps we were stronger as a whole than the other children on the outside of the wall.

I wandered the room, and noticed a weapon on the wall. It was a spear, but I'd never seen it before, which was odd. I'd scoured every inch of this palace. Perhaps this dream is of the past? Or future... I shook my head to clear the thoughts and grabbed the spear.

It buzzed in my grip, and empowered me even further, and I felt a white hot rage fill me, before I centered myself and calmed down. I spun the weapon in my hands and it thrummed with energy, pulsing hatred. This was a demonic weapon of old. And from the look of it, blood red with a white tip, it was made from bones and flesh.

A pounding began at the door, and I opened it slowly. "Yes?" I spoke, and my deep voice surprised me.

The woman, (whom I vaguely recognized, or, at least, her perfectly sky blue eyes), coughed, holding her wounded stomach. "My little prince, you are needed... Wake up, my little prince..." Her voice was peaceful, and even pretty. It wasn't the voice of a wounded woman.


I opened my eyes, and found my mother's staring into mine. "Good morning, my little prince. Are you awake?" She whispered.

I smiled. "I had the oddest dream, mother. You were there."

She blinked her sky blue eyes, reflecting my suddenly golden ones. I blinked, and they turned their normal Emerald Green. She smiled. "I see. Was it a good dream?"

"Not really. You were hurt. A stomach wound, and you banged on my door. I was bigger, stronger, and there was a demon spear on the wall." I hummed, sitting up.

She hummed. "I see. That's odd. I suppose it's not odd for children to have such dreams, but the details strike me as familiar. I will think on it. But for now, we must get you dressed, my little prince." She smiled and kissed my nose, but I smelled her lie, and heard her increased heartbeat. She was scared of something. She already knew what I'd dreamt about, and wasn't going to tell me.

I nodded. "What is the occasion?" I asked slowly, hopping out of bed and striding over to my closet as fast as my tiny legs could carry me. (Not very fast.)

"You are receiving the Earl of Norwood and the Duke of Nottingham. The Duke, is of course, lesser, and must be greeted after the Earl." She instructed as the maids began dressing me in the clothes she indicated, careful not to touch my skin, a sin in this country.

As my fathers son, I was considered a holy object. The price for touching my skin without my permission is death by either sword or fire. "Why make enemies where they are not needed? Why not greet them equally? Perhaps, 'Greetings, Earl...' What's his name?" I asked.

"Earl Mark and Duke Sander." She said, watching me to see my idea come to fruition.

"Then, 'Greetings, Earl Mark of Nottingham, Duke Sander of Norwood. Our Noble House welcomes you with open arms and...' Why are they here? Death in the family, taxes?"

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