New Allies

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--- Jacobs POV ---

I slowly rose from my bed, still dressed in my rumpled shorts and golden circlet from the coronation, and slowly trekked out of the castle. In my half asleep state, I walked in a straight line through the city, and towards the north gates. It was almost dawn, and my glowing eyes lit my way.

I reached the north gates, and slammed my hands into them, pushing with my entire body. They soon creaked and groaned, slowly opening. The 15 years of rust and dirt in the gears slowly being churned away. Once they were open enough for me to walked through, I stopped, let go, and continued walking.

Soon, I reached a mountain, right in front of the gates. The giant beast was none other than GalThunder. And my fathers bones were inside somewhere as well.

I placed a hand on the spectral hide, and did what is done to the other demons in my mind. I absorbed the pure mana his life force had exuded into his body, and absorbed his knowledge, strength, and everything that made him a dragon. I had one memory of my father doing the same, with his first dragon. That was how he learned how to speak draconian, and shape-shift.

Then I crunched down his form into a simple sword, forging a demon weapon with magic. A simple white sword, with a black hilt made of his compressed scales. Both indestructible. A red ribbon swayed on an invisible wind, made of his blood.

After I sheathed the weapon, I looked up. The mana was more than my body could possibly hold, and it had turned into a ball of energy, almost half a mile wide. I slowly enchanted it, and it compressed, solidifying into a single ring. A simple ring, made of obsidian. Dragon Glass. The parallels amused me.

A spear slammed into the earth, point down, and so did a body. My fathers corpse. "Oh... It seems that we don't rot either, father..." I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and did the same as I'd done with GalThunder, but created a short-sword that was a twin/partner of the long sword.

Both were crafted in an eastern fashion, and enchanted to absorb the souls of slain enemies, preserving their consciousnesses. It would be an exercise in control to handle the voices every time I touched the weapons, but it would make the weapons even more powerful.

The magic Father had was better formed, and harder to shape, as it was not raw magic. But I eventually turned it into a ring as well, made of white marble, sheathing the short-sword. Then I looked at the spear. It was a normal spear, from first glance, but red in color. I reached out a hand, and a voice spoke.

"Are you sure you can handle that, my King?" I turned towards the voice.The three women from before stood before me. Mira, Carter, and Kale.

I shook my head. "I'm sure of nothing, except my name."

"Then until you are, do not take up a demonic weapon. Our weapons are demonic as well, forged from the blood and bone of our ancestors, but ours do not absorb souls. Yours is filled with the wrath of 1003 dragons, and I do not believe you are ready for a weapon such as that." Mira spoke again.

I nodded. "Perhaps the wrath of my fathers thousand dragons is not wise for me to bear just yet... But my mother is also in this spear, and would she not assist me?"

Carter smiled, a small smirk. "I knew Lilliana. She will make you do it yourself, before helping."

I grinned. "Probably. But I can't leave it here... Ah." I cast a small magic to lift it, and began carrying it behind me. "And off we go. Are you bound with me, or will you watch and protect from the shadows?" I asked them.

Mira nodded. "Carter will stay by your side, Kale and I will only come when summoned or danger is afoot."

"Yay." Carter said in a bored tone, and I raised an eyebrow at her.

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