Explanation of My World/Not Plot

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^^ I Totally Support/Ship RobRae ^^ even though StarWing is Cannon.😢😢

((( Book Lesson - The New Geography.

[Basically the worlds continents shattered, and New York, Germany, and India didn't. The rest is islands. Hundreds of thousands of islands. Most landmarks survived, though, as you'll see...;-) ]

1000 years ago, in the year 2012 of the Gregorian Calendar, (12-12-12) the gods decided to destroy the Blasphemous world below, and return it to a state of chaos, that a better state might grow from it. But, when Poseidon shattered all the Tectonic Plates simultaneously, three places were spared.

First, was New York City, where flooded buildings still stand, kissing the sky and also the ocean floor deep below, along with a giant bit of what was Canada and the North-Eastern part of America, all about the size of Australia. Second, Europe, centered around Germany, France, and Spain, plus a host of smaller countries, again the size of old Australia. And Third, India, or, most of it.

Funnily enough, Australia itself shattered, but is still in the same place, with Mile-Wide gaps everywhere. Ferries are common in the archipelagos. Most of Russia is run by the Nordic Clans, called the Iceland Pirates in slang terms, and who compete with the Caribbean Pirates.

Most of the world is still above water, and a lot of relics remained, but without factories to make things for them, they quickly were melted down and forged into more 'primitive' weapons and transportation.

Kingdoms formed, after a few hundred years of efforts for governments. In Germany, the kingdoms of Maritsa, New Sparta, and Acura were born. New Sparta and Maritsa were Merged with a marriage, and became Acadia.

Only 15% of the earths land fell into the sea, and so 85% of the world was water. Thousands of maritime kingdoms were made, giant floating cities.

Now, it is the year 1032 of the New Era, and the Platinum Age, (the Golden Age was Titans, Silver Age was Gods, Bronze Age was humans, now Platinum is Gods again, with humans.) 1032 NE, which came after AD was destroyed.

And so the world began anew. Demons were re-released upon the world, as was magic. Mages quickly mastered the power, and even schools have been built for honing magical skills. The most prestigious being Half-Blood Hill, located near New York, in what was once Long Island.

(^^Because I can^^, and because I need names for stuff. Feel free to name a few islands and comment me their stats. Forest/desert/etc, demon/human/mixed, School/Kingdom/Pirates. Landmark, (remember, most landmarks survived...) So Go Nuts.)

Demon/human hybrids are rare, but not unheard of, and most are from Dragons, as they are the most able to shape-shift, of the demon races. The Demons come from every religion on the planet. The stories all started somewhere, after all, and for the most part, only the beast-minded demons who eat humans are shunned or hunted.

The reason for all the dragon hate in Acadia is because there was a war, about 20 years ago, between the Dragons and the Acadian Army, led by Arthur himself, on the Grey Plains. It continued for four years, and ended when Arthur and GalThunder killed one-another. Dragons were ten believed extinct, at least in Acadia.

The only reason Arthur lied about Jacob being 3/4 demon is because he wasn't married to Lilliana, and a bastard king faces complications. Also, he wanted his Honor Guard, Gwen, to raise his son with him. Then he died and ruined that plan.

So Gwen and Lilly's parentage will soon come to light, and the reaction will not be completely as you'd expect.

The demon realm, opened at the beginning of the era, is literally a mild version of Tartarus, opened to release all but the Titans and Giants upon the world. A second level, so to speak.

It's an entire kingdom, but the entrance to the part of Tartarus that holds the really bad guys is so well hidden by the gods that not even the Demons know its location or even form.

And it's not fire and brimstone, it's a normal Mountainous Kingdom, just underground, and twice the size of the original Africa, so about the size of the Americas plus Canada, in one big circle. Very very very big circle.

One of the three openings is right next to the border between Acadia and Acura, in the heart of the Southern Forest. The second and third are in New York and India, obviously. That was the reason those three places didn't shatter, like everything else.

--- End of information nugget:-) heh)))

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