Demon Magic

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--- Jacob's POV ---

I sat under the waterfall, and slowly closed my eyes, ignoring the sounds of Arthur's laughter as he and the women, including his mother, played in the tall grass, guarded on all sides by half of the guards from the waterfall.

I concentrated, then relaxed, completely emptying my mind slowly. As I relaxed, I drifted deeper into my mind, and deeper. I flooded my body with mana, and amplified it, then sent it into the rings, and back and forth.

Soon, or, what felt like soon, I was so deep in my mind I couldn't see. Mother soon manifested. "Welcome back, my son. Ready to learn?"

"I am always ready." I replied in draconian.

She blinked slowly. "Well done... Then, the first thing you must learn, is how to use your dragon blood. Yours has been activated, and you've done as I said, mixing your magic with your grandfathers and fathers. This means you hold both demonic and human mana. The amount of spells you can do is much more now. First, focus your energy into your palm... Not too much, but what you think a fire would need."

"Yes, Lilliana." I said. I started focusing, and placed a drop of power into my palm. It exploded into an inferno that almost filled my mind before dying quickly.

She laughed, rolling. "Ahhh, son. Fire needs very little fuel. It is the easiest element to control, and it is the one most demons focus their anatomy on. Dragons included. We have an affinity for Fire and Air. Try again. Much less fuel, as little as possible."

"Yes, teacher..." I tried again, and managed a black ball of flame the size of a drop of water.

She shifted human and clapped. "Perfect. Black flame is the hottest, most destructive, and the absolute hardest to control. Now. Attempt to stretch it, but do not feed it. Make a shield."

I nodded and began to stretch it, molding it into a disk that covered me from thigh to shoulder, then I bowed it outwards, and slipped it onto my arm.

She clapped again. "Well done. Now try a spear, with the other hand, whilst holding that one steady. Multitask."

I attempted it, and my shield flickered. In that flicker, she was behind it, and her clawed fingers were on my heart. "Again." She said, stepping back.


"Twenty spears, one after the other, raise them!" She barked, and I raised twenty pitiful spears, little more than spiked sticks of fire. "And throw!" She said.

I held my shield in front of me and threw the spears at the target. All of them struck it, but my shield flickered with my concentration, and her foot slammed my gut. "Concentrate!" She snapped. "Again!"


"One hundred spears, one hundred shields, 100 armor, 99 warriors! Cast!" She yelled, and I flexed my mind, making 99 copies of myself, each holding a spear and shield, wearing an extra layer of armor, then my own spear, shield, and scaled flame armor. It was flawless, and my shield didn't flicker in the slightest.

She grinned. "Well done, for a novice. Now. Try to defeat these." She raised 1,000 giant soldiers of her own, all made of purplish-black flame, and catapults.

I sighed and roared out a challenge, and charged, forming horses so we were 100 cavalry.

She laughed. "GOOD! ADAPT!" She waved a hand, and her Warriors were each riding a Wyrm. (Low-class beast-minded dragon. Slaves to the nobility dragons.)

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