Becoming a King

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--- Gwen's POV ---

I opened the door to my sons room, and immediately plugged my nose, while Titus laughed. The entire room smelled like sex, and there were eight women on the bed, each in a different position, but with light bruises where his hips had been. Titus whistled softly. "Well then. Safe to say he liked them..."

I nodded, and steeled my spine, walking into the room. I kicked the bed, and Jacob popped up, eyes drooping sleepily, shedding women.

"Wake up. Bathe. Eat." I said simply, and he slowly nodded, hopping out of bed. I raised an eyebrow at the size of him. "Well, he takes after his father, it seems." I smiled to Titus, who still stood in the doorway, surprising a chuckle out of him.

Then I shook the girls, one by one, spanking some on their freshly bruised asses to wake them up. I looked each in the eyes. "Wake up. Bathe. Eat." I said again.

They nodded and slowly stood, limping after Jacob into the baths. I snickered, and when his maids entered the room, I pointed them at the women. "Get them presentable. I'll take these two, and Sam will take Jacob. We have four hours. Let's go." I snagged the twins, and pulled them into the large bath. It was the size of two of his rooms, and he liked it that way, despite how he rarely had more than himself or the maids in the room, and only himself in the water.

I slowly helped them into the water, and grabbed a soapstone. I began cleaning them, all business. Jacob began cleaning himself, so Sam took one of them off my hands.

We quickly had them clean, and presentable, dressed in a simple silk robe, each with a different color of the rainbow, (Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple) and Mary and Linda got white and black.

They were given the choice of underclothes, and each of them took the chance swiftly. Prostitutes were rarely clothed, but as concubines, they were now important, unlike before. It was a harsh truth, but it was the truth, nonetheless.

Then I set them and Jacob at the thick Marble table at the far end of the room, which he had had installed when he was seven. He liked to eat in privacy. We dined on some delicious fare the maids had made and brought in, (only by female chefs, of course), and then I assembled the people in the throne room.

The nobles were already there, and eager to see the Kings concubines, but restrained themselves when the high priest walked up the isle, chanting in Greek. He reached the throne, which I sat on with my seldom-worn circlet on my brow.

I stood, and knelt in front of him. He slowly removed my circlet, replacing it with a much simpler one, and placing the original on a cushion, raised by a small choir boy.

He turned and addressed the room as I stood and sat on the smaller throne. "The day has finally come for our Prince to Ascend to his rightful place as King. Before we begin the sacred ceremony, understand that any disrespect will be met with swift and terrible punishment."

Titus stepped forward in his full heavy armor, his giant battle axe on his back. He drew it with one hand, drawing gasps of awe from the children, and slammed the butte down, silencing them with the crashing echo.

Then Jacob came in, walking slowly, and the room silenced. He wore a simple sheer robe and a pair of shorts, made to be easily removed.

He knelt below the High Priest on the first step of the Dias, and removed the robe, baring his skin. The priest spoke in Greek. "Who are you?"

"I am Jacob Alexander Acadian, son of Arthur Maximus Acadian, Slayer of 1000 Dragons, and King of Acadia, until his battle en Mortem with GalThunder, the Dragon King. In his name, I am Prince, and Heir Apparent of Acadia." Jacob recited in Greek as well.

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