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Ros Chester POV.

The tear falls from my face and splashes on my hand that holds David's desperately.

How do I tell him...?

I could barely believe myself what I was about to tell him. My heart thudded and I finally find the courage to tell him.

"I'm pregnant." I breathe my last word, full of emotion.

I could see it all... His heart must be bursting open... Or did it smash...? Mine broke for him... With him...!

"Jesus Christ..." He breathes and puts his hand over his mouth to hide the shock.

He finally takes a deep breath. "Who's the-" He starts.

"Yours." I say shortly. "I would never let Kevin touch me like that..." I trails off.

"Ros... A baby..." He breathes with a little smile.

"I'm almost 19 David..." I mutter. "And I'm carrying the most idolised man of the 70's child... I just don't know what to do..."

For once, David didn't know what to tell me... He was thinking it all through... He was 27, married...! If the press knew about this, his career would be forever gone... The career he worked so hard for...! And I could ruin that... Just because of a night in New York...

"What do you want to do with it?" He asks me cautiously.

"I don't know David, I'm only a month in...!" I snap which clearly surprises him. "I'm sorry..."

"It's ok, I understand..." He says soothingly.

"Do you?" I mumble. "How can you understand an 18 year old girl from South London who is carrying your child...?"

"Because Rosalind Chester, I'm in love with you." David says in his beautiful British accent.

I can't hide the feeling it gives me and I throw my arms around his neck and pull him close to me.

This is mad, I'm just some South London girl, how did this all happen...? Just over 6 months ago, David had no idea who I was, and I was just in my own world with his music. Now I shared his world, and everything in it, including David himself.

"Does Kevin know?" David says with a hint of spite.

"No. Because I know he'd ask whose it is..."

"Ros, I know I said I don't care about fame but-"

"Your secrets safe with me." I say shortly.

There's a silence for awhile, almost an awkward one. He wanted to keep this out of the public's eye. We didn't know what to say to each other...

"How long are you in Brixton for?" I purr.


"On what?" I ask puzzled.

"How long you need me for." He smiles his crooked smile that I missed so much and I can't help but smile back.

"You know I need you more than ever right now." I say honestly.

"I can't let him touch you again, not now that I know you have my child inside you... He shouldn't have even touched you in the first place..." David starts to babble angrily.

"Thanks for saving me... Again." I mutter and see his face soften and his angry lined mouth soon turns into a smirk. "And for punching him." I wink and he chuckles slightly.

"Someone had to do it." He sighs loudly. "But I'm serious Ros, he cannot come anywhere near you anymore."

"Then what? Bring up the child on my own?"

"I-" David starts but someone taps loudly on the door.

David sighs and goes to open the door, I suddenly hear a loud thud. I run into the hall way and see David holding his jaw crying in pain on the floor.

"DAVID!" I screech horrified to see him hurt.

I run over to him and look up to see Kevin angry as a bull. David was barely conscious...

"David, can you hear me...?!" I try to ignore the fact Kevin is inches from me.

"Come on my love, let's go home..." Kevin grabs my waist and pulls me from David.

I kick and scream loudly like a child, tears streaming down my face...

"I CAN'T LEAVE HIM HERE!" I howl at Kev.

"Oh yes you can." He spits.

I wriggle out of his hold and run back to David, I lock the door behind me so Kev can't get in. He bangs hard with his fist against the door and I'm scared again... I reach for the phone and dial 3 numbers...

"Police?" I ask down the phone hurriedly.

"My boyfriend just attacked a man and I have my boyfriend outside banging at my door."

I listen to their reply and finally say a thank you. David wakes up and looks confused to me. "Ros..." He mumbles but I hush him.

"It's ok..." I tell him. "Let's get you onto the sofa." I put his arm around my small shoulders and drag him to the sofa I was lying on less than 10 minutes ago.

Kevin is still banging on the door, still scaring me. "I love you." He tells me putting his hand on my cheek.

"I love you too." I kiss his head and close the door to the living room.

I walk slowly down the hallway and open the door to see Kevin looking angry still. He picks me up again aggressively and I hold my breath.

"Kev," I say quietly but softly. "Put me down for a second..."

Unbelievably, he does as I ask, and puts me down on the pavement. I wipe my eyes and look up to him. I see his eyes turn warm, and for some odd reason comforting?

"Ros," He mutters.

In the distance I hear the police car. "I'm pregnant." I mutter smoothly, the more times I say it out loud, the more it becomes real... I see his warming eyes turn ice cold and full of anger.

"You little wh-" He raises his hand and I close my eyes preparing for the blow.

"STOP!" I open my eyes again and see the flashing blue lights outside of David's house and the police grabbing Kevin's arms, restraining him to even lay a finger on me.

"C'mon son, let's calm down, shall we?" The police say with a very London accent and Kevin is put in the back of the car. He looks longingly at me, and I can't help but feel the guilt creep over me...

"I'm so proud of you my darling." David whispers and wraps his arms around me and we watch the police take Kevin away. "I told you I'd get rid of all your problems..."

"We still have one more problem..." I turn around to him and look down at my stomach.

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