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David Bowie POV.

"Where to start David?!" Angie shouts at me.

Newspapers were spread across the coffee table and all of them screamed my name. "David Bowie up to know good with teenager!" Angie reads one headline and throws it on the floor just to pick another paper up from the table.

"That sounds awfully inappropriate..." I mutter and smirk.

"How about this one?! Brixton Boy sleeps with a Rebel Rebel..." I laugh, I actually liked that one. I was, after all the Brixton Boy, and Ros was my Rebel Rebel...! "Or this one..." She picks up another paper and clears her throat. "Chester to be pregnant with Bowie's child?" She lowers the paper down from her eye level and I see the anger about to explode out of her, she was almost red as a tomato. "This is pathetic David!" She screams. "You slept with her?!"

"Well-" I start but she howls at me again...

"And she's apparently pregnant with your child?!"

"Oh Jesus Christ Angie! Alright! Yes! I slept with her, and yes, she's pregnant! The papers aren't lying!" I growl back at her.

She let's out one huge scream like a roaring thunderstorm which makes me stumble back slightly. "Jesus, Angie! All of New York could've heard that one...!"

She takes a seat on the edge of the coffee table, and some of the black and white papers fall to the floor next to her feet. After some silence, she finally speaks again.

"You know what we have to do next, don't you." She mutters coldly to me. "We have to pretend that it's all false!"

"And what do you suggest... Darling." I spit at the end slouching back on the sofa.

"Well, let's make up our own story... We'll get interviews... That'll make us look better..." Angie babbles to herself walking back and forth now making my head go dizzy.

"What are you talking about?!" I say worriedly.

"David, wonderful news!" She stops walking and says in her very fake voice. "I'm pregnant! Zowie's going to have a baby brother or sister!"

"Angie you're mad!" I jump up from the sofa. "No!" I shout back. "How is that fair on Ros?! And what happens in 3 months when they see no baby bump on you?!" I shout.

"You shouldn't even care about Ros, once she's back in the UK, that's it, you won't need to speak to her again... Anyway, I'll be the drama queen, I'll have a miscarriage." She smirks and rubs her tummy pretending.

"I can't let you do that, so many people are out there having miscarriage for real."

"Well... There's only one other option then..." She slyly walks over to me and grabs the back of my neck with her boney hand.

"What's that?" I ask confused.

"We do actually try for a baby..." She purrs.

"Angie!" I say absolutely horrified and push her away.

Yes, I loved her, but we argued daily! I would never want to bring another child into the world just so they could watch their parents argue... How I felt so guilty for Zowie... He didn't understand, he was too little! And this baby... Ros had decided to keep it, how will it feel not having a father figure?

"Well David, we need a story to cover up your mistake!" She points at me. "I hope she's getting rid of the thing." She sighs aggressively.

"No actually, she's keeping it, and she's using my house in Brixton to live in for as long as she wants it." I say smugly. "So no Angie, I won't forget about her once she leaves the States."

I was determined to help Ros out as much as possible, she must be so ashamed seeing her own name in the papers... Nothing good said about her, all those people invading her life... And it was all my fault...

"You might as well marry her as well as me!" Angie screams, I can hear the hurt in her voice. But it was a taste of her own medicine, sadly. She had hurt me so often, too often...

How can I love a woman after all the hurt and pain she's caused me?

The thought was reminded in my brain every single waking day. But Zowie was still the reason to why I never left her.

We were once so happy, so young, I always wondered if she went for me for the fact I was becoming famous and becoming rich and the most well known singer in the 70's...

"Now, if you're done shouting, I'm on my way to take Zowie to see Ros." I smile at her.

"NO! She has her own child to play happy families with, she's not having mine!" She lashes at me protectively.

"You always forget, don't you? I'm his father. Leave me to do what I like with Zowie." I growl sternly to her and I see she's about to erupt with another strop.

I couldn't get out quick enough, Margo had taken Zowie to her flat and then soon after getting him, I'd take my boy to see his Ros...


"Zowie!" Ros calls happily which makes me and my son smile.

"Ros!" He claps excitedly at her.

I put him on the floor of the hotel room and see him trot into Ros's arms, he giggles and she kisses his head.

"How did you get him out the house to see me?" She asks sadly.

"He's my son, I can do what I like." I wink and smile a crooked smile. "Have you seen the papers today?" I ask carefully.

"Yeah, but don't remind me of them David..." She sighs sadly and rubs her stomach.

Ros starts playing with Zowie and my eyes seem to look fixedly at Will whose smiling over Ros... His smile was genuine, he liked the company of a child... He was a family man.

He looks up from the delightful scene of Ros and Bowie laughing together and sees my long look.

Will gulps, and places a hand on Ros's shoulder. "David," Will coughs. "I actually want to ask for your permission."

"On what." I spit.

Ros stands up, her smile drops into a confused line, she holds Zowie tightly as he wriggles around playing with her long straightened hair.

"I want your permission to raise the baby with Ros." He says with a half smile, clearly scared of my reaction.

I heard my heart break. This man that I had instantly disliked, wanted to take care of my girl and baby...?

I look at Ros, who is expressionless. She knows herself that she can do it alone and with the support of my money and Margo flying over to help once in awhile... But she also knows she'd have a father figure for the baby, a permanent one...

"Ros? What do you say to that?" I ask trying to keep the heartbreak away from my voice.

"He'd be helping as a friend, David. I'd never let the baby call him dad... Oh- sorry Will- just-"

"I'm perfectly fine with that, Ros." Will says gently.

"They all say it's only friends..." I mumble still very much hurt...

It seemed the decision had been made for me... Ros was perfectly happy for Will to help her with the baby, she didn't even ask how I felt about it...

And in that moment, it all kicked in, if I didn't change my lifestyle, I would never see this baby, I would never be a real father to it...

It almost felt like I was letting Will take my place, as a protecter for not just the baby... But for Ros too just so I could be the most well known pop star in Britain...

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