Not just any 'Wednesday night'.

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Dinner soon turned into Kevin moving in and becoming my boyfriend, and Abby visiting us often, so for a long while, there were 4 of us living under one small, damp, little roof.

Kev still had no idea about the obsession of David Bowie, he knew I listened to him, but that was about it.

Abby still keeps in touch but adventures all around London, she's probably in North London now, secretly, I just don't think she liked the fact David Bowie used to live where I was now living.

"Ros, can I speak to you?" Ellen asks me one morning, Kev was still fast asleep, it was his day off from work.

"Sure, ask away." I smile.

"I'm going to visit my mum in York for a few days, I can leave a bit of extra money if you want for rent or I can-" I stop her.

"Honestly El, if Kevin's living here he can put a bit of money in too, after all he is a banker. Don't worry." I smile "Plus, he's older and wiser then I am, he can look after me!" It was true - Kevin was slightly older than me, 7 years older. But who cares? David Bowie is 9 years ahead of me!

"Oh I'm glad you two finally got together, took you long enough!" She winks playfully.

"When do you leave?" I ask quietly.

"This evening, if that's ok?" She asks cautiously.

"Of course it is, you're taking the train then?" She nods. "I can walk you to the station if you like?" She then nods again more excited now.

I sigh and half smile, I felt deflated by my University work and even though Kevin was a darling to me, he could be a pain sometimes.

"Is everything ok Ros?" Eleanor snaps me back into reality.

"Just thinking about David Bowie - as always!" I lie.

"Don't lie. What's going on?" She asks again.

I sigh again and let the words just drop from my mouth carelessly. "Uni sent me a letter in the post yesterday, saying I'm on my last warning for slacking in class... They said they'll kick me out if I don't fix things."

"Oh Ros, I'm so sorry... You have time to fix things though, hey, I'll call you once I'm at my mum's, I'll keep an eye on you! And Kevin won't let you lose your place at Uni!"

"That's the thing though El, he just might. How many women do you see these days working? Let alone being a pianist for a band... He'll want me to marry him in a blink of an eye and start a family soon after. He won't support me, that's why I haven't told him." I whimper.

"Come help me pack, we'll have a drink before the station, things will be alright, I promise." She pulls me into a tight hug and I feel a salty, big, fat tear pool up my eye and slowly drip out down onto my pink cheek.


That evening, the bright orange street lights beam down to lead me and Eleanor to our favourite pub in all of London.

"Alright Larry - the usual for us please." I say tiredly.

He places our two drinks in front of us and I pass the hot coins that were in my hand over. "Cheers!" Eleanor says happily and I smile and clink my big glass with hers.

We sat there, just in each other's company, barely speaking, but it was a pleasant silence. The pub had a few more of the locals in but not as many as usual. Ellen looks at her watch and sighs heavily.

"I should be off." She says sadly.

Thanking Larry, both Eleanor and I walk to the station and I give her a hug goodbye. "Call often, look after yourself, see you in a few days." I say quickly as I see her train pull into the station, the platform seemed crowded which was slightly odd for a Wednesday night.

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