Thinking thoughts.

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Rosalind Chester POV.

As soon as Will suggested he would help me look after the baby, David didn't seem himself. Me and Will felt we had been outstayed, so we decided to head home a few days later once my morning sickness had passed.

Soon enough, I was 3 months and had the scan picture in my hands. "It looks like an alien..." I say gazing deeply at the black and white photo with a blob on it.

"It's a baby, Ros, your baby!" Will chuckles. "I wouldn't call it an alien!"

"But it does! Look at it!" I laugh at the photo and show Will who finally laughs too. "Oh I shouldn't laugh, poor thing..." I say and half smile.

"Call David, tell him about the scan photo." Will suggests but I shake my head.

David seemed so sad when I was leaving, it was almost like leaving a child. We spoke on the phone not as often as I hoped, but Angie must have him on a leash again!

"No, I'll just send one of the scan photos in the post, and write a letter." I sigh.

"If you write a good enough letter, he might even write a song about the baby!" Will says cheerfully, but I knew myself I wasn't great at lyrics...

It felt so long since Rebel Rebel was realised, and in reality it was only 5 months ago.

I picked up a pen and a piece of rough paper, the baby scan rested on the table neatly and I sit there wondering what to write. I eventually talk about how my first thought was that the baby looked like an alien and that we should discuss names at some point... Names... How did it all come down to this? Discussing baby names with my idol?!

I wanted both Will and David to be involved in baby names, but in my head I had some ideas, but it was whether or not the boys liked them.


"So when is David coming to Brixton again?" Will asks washing the dishes.

"He said next week, his last show in New York is the same night he flies out to us, he's going to be exhausted... Is the spare room tidy?" I ask.

"No... But we have all week to sort it out for him." Will says cautiously and I roll my eyes knowing I'll have to do it.

Will had moved in with me once we came home from our trip to New York, William found a stable job and so did I, for the time being...


"Ros?" Will says to me before I go to my room.

"Yeah?" I ask tiredly.

"Who's going to be the name on the certificate?" He asks seriously.

"Mine obviously, I am the mother!" I laugh but Will doesn't laugh which makes me stop instantly.

"No, Rosalind." I knew something was serious if I was called by my full name. "Who's the dads name going to be?"

"David's obviously? Will, you said you'd be my friend and raise the baby. No offence, but that doesn't mean your name gets to be on the birth certificate!"

There's a silence and I can see it in Will's eyes, he wants the baby, he wants to be the father. But I wasn't going to let him, I was still in love with David.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I say sharply and then slam my door shut.

I change into a big shirt and some shorts and lie in bed thinking about David and the baby... Things would be so much similar if David just divorced Angie and married me...

Why can't things just be that simple?

My thoughts soon turn to the baby, and what it might look like, David or me? Was it a boy? Was it a girl?

Whatever it is, it's my alien...!

I think to myself and soon chuckle quietly to myself...

I hadn't spoke to my parents in quite some time, and I knew soon enough I'd have to tell them.

Tomorrow, I'll tell them tomorrow.

Thinking about my parents made me have a restless night, I couldn't get the idea of telling them out of head, how would I tell them? Should I go and visit?


Me and Will sat awkwardly at the table, the conversation we had before bed was still fresh and clean in my mind, and I wasn't prepared to let him replace David so quickly.

"I going to visit my parents today." I tell him finishing my on the-cold-side cup of tea.

"Oh?" Will questions. "Are you telling them today?"

I hum a yes in two little notes and see his face drop slightly. "Can I-"

"I'm going alone, it'll be hard enough for them to get their heads round it... Besides, they've seen the papers..." I trail off.

"How long will you go for?" He asks worriedly.

"The weekend." I spit back getting fed up of this clingy act of William's.

"I'll help you pack?" He ask again, almost pleading for something to do.

"No it's fine, I've got it." I get up, leaving the messy breakfast table. "You can clean up though." I shout down the stairs cheekily.


Once packed, I got on the earliest train I could, and soon got back to my home not too far from Brixton.

"Ros?" My dad opens the door, looking a lot older than I remember. Wrinkles crinkle his soft pink face, the light from outside make his silvery locks shine... My dad...

Has it really been that long since I was home...?

"Hi dad," I half smile. "How've you been?"

He sighs and he offers me in. Something wasn't right, it all felt so quiet. So unlike home. Where was the liveliness of me coming home? Where was the princess treatment I always used to get? Why did dad look so surprised to see me?!

"What's going on?" I ask placing my weekend bag on the floor and quickly taking my denim jacket off.

"We've seen the papers." Dad croaks weakly.

I hear myself lose my breath, I knew they would see them, but why wasn't dad shouting? It was normally a terrible thing if a girl got pregnant before marriage...!

"Is it true?" Dad asks looking up to me, hopeful I'd say no, but I nod my head hearing my heart break for my dad.

He just closes his eyes and looks down to his shoes. "We've had some bad news too..."

"Who said the baby was bad-" I stop myself, this wasn't a time for arguing, dad was practically letting me off the hook for sleeping with a celebrity!

Wait... Something's still wrong...

"Why didn't you ever call me?" I mutter sheepishly.

"Rosalind," Dad sighs, completely ignoring my question. "There's something wrong with your mother..."

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