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I stayed with mum and dad for just the weekend, mum insisted I went back to Brixton and to William. I told Will and David over the phone about my mother, David was close to flying over earlier then planned to come and keep me company at mum and dads, but I told him no. My parents and little Henry needed me. Just me.


"How is Jane?" Will asks once I'm back home.

"She gets worse everyday, I don't even think she'll make it till the end of October at this rate..." I say sadly and William passes me a mug full of tea and I stare at it. "I miss booze." I whisper then take a sip of tea.

William laughs slightly then sighs. "Ros, you know it's October next week, right?" He says weakly and I scold at him annoyed he's just reminded me of that fact.


A soft tap sounded at the front door. I glided across the black and white tiles, thinking back to the first time I walked into this house with David.

I open the door cautiously and lose the ability to breathe for a millisecond.

"David..." I mutter and already feel the tears flood my eyeballs.

David smirks to me, he has a cigarette in his mouth, his usual hat and sunglasses on and opens his arms for a hug.

I smash right into his chest and feel the warmth absorb into me. I sigh, feeling so happy he was finally here, finally back...!

"I've missed you so much." I whisper and let a single tear escape from my eye.

"It's good to be home." He purrs in his beautifully clear British accent.

"C'mon in, sorry about the mess. Will was supposed to clear up. You're here a lot earlier then I planned- I don't mean that badly- Just-" I babble.

"So how's the alien?" He smirks and puts out his cigarette in the kitchen sink, and disposes of the dead cigarette.

I blush and look down at my stomach. "He's fine-"

"He?" David whispers and takes off the hat, coat and shades.

His odd eyes send emotional electricity through my body, his crooked smile, even more delightful then the last time I saw him, and his beautiful bone structure... Still the most striking thing on earth.

"Well, I don't no but-"

"It's a guess." David finishes my sentence beautifully.

Our tones of voices contrasted, my very busy and rushed sound, his, an angel's gift, suddenly made the whole atmosphere of my life a lot more graceful and more mature. How did David have the power to make a clumsy south Londoner like me, look delicate?

"We need to discuss names at some point." I say seriously, dragging myself from the artwork staring back at me.

"Firstly," David smiles and takes a seat on one of the kitchen chairs. "I'd like a cup of tea please, milk, one sugar." He chuckles and winks to me.

I instantly turn to put the kettle on and I hear Will cough awkwardly.

"Uh- hi David." He says sourly.

"Hello William, how's things with you?" David asks cheerfully which makes me feel even more happy.

The boys chat together, and I busily make three cups of tea for all of us.

"Teas done!" I finally call and take a seat.

We all sip on our drinks, chatting, laughing, talking about Zowie and the baby...

Then the phone rang...

"I've got it." Will says taking a short sip and runs for the phone.

"How's Angie?" I mutter trying to stay positive even though I know whatever the news, it'll hurt me.

"Uh- she wasn't too pleased I was coming back to Brixton." He pauses and takes a sip of his tea and I follow his action. "But, me and Angie have decided-"

"Ros..." Will says worriedly. "You might want to take this call..." I look confused and slowly head for the phone.

No matter how many steps I took it felt like the phone was getting further away from me... I stretched my hand out and poise it to my ear.

"Hello?" I call.

"Ros," It's my dad. I relax for a split moment, then suddenly feel the hairs on my arms raise like army soldiers ready to fight in battle.

"Dad?" I croak grabbing the phone tightly.

The sweat from my hands make the phone hot and sticky but I listen carefully to what my dad has to say.

"You might want to come down... This might be it..." I can hear the tremble in his voice and I let out an uneasy breath. I couldn't find the time to even cry, I had to be there. Right now!

"I'll be right there..." I robotically say then hang up.

I felt flustered, what do I do?! Do I take anything?

I felt flustered, inside. On the outside, I showed no emotion and as I walk back into the kitchen, all the tea mugs were empty - the complete opposite to how my head felt.

"I have to go out for a bit." I shake but try to control my voice. "I won't be long." Very fixedly, I grab my denim jacket and start to walk to the door.

Once I closed the door I feel the tears fighting to be seen, but the door I had just closed, reopened.

David's face, full of shock. "What's going on? You wouldn't just leave like that normally...! Now tell me my little rebel, what on earth is the matter?"

"Do you trust me?" I ask terrified of the future.

"My darling Ros," He mutters and rests his large hand on my dry cheek from the tears. "Of course I trust you..."

I take his hand and start to run to the station, I had to get there as quickly as possible. I'd have time on the train to tell him what was going on.

This couldn't end now, she still had a few weeks to live! It was only mid October...! She still had at least another two months.

For the times me and David were silent on the way to my childhood home I tried to convince myself this wasn't the end... It can't be.

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