The pub and paparazzi.

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David left the following morning, after awkward goodbyes. I told him I'd ring him daily on Margo's phone, I didn't want him to come home. Not really. I saw him on TV regularly, singing his Diamond Dogs album, his face was glum whilst singing, he wasn't happy...

One evening after watching David in New York on TV again, I fling my denim jacket on and wonder down to my usual pub... I gulped, I hadn't been in so long...!

I felt lonely... I literally had no friends anymore, all my uni friends had forgotten me, or those who remembered me referred me as the one that got kicked out of Brixton University. I roll my eyes, once dreaming about being a famous pianist for a band now struck by reality lightning, pregnant, single, and still a teenager.

"Hi Larry," I say sitting at my usual seat at the bar.

The old punters were having general chat, finishing their pints, the charts were on in the back ground, soon David's music would play. "Pint please Larry." I tell him.

No Ros... You can't. You're pregnant now...

I gulp again and watch Larry pour the honey coloured gloss into a pint glass. I close my eyes and try to forget all the drama I've had these past few months...

What am I meant to do about this baby?

Larry slides across the glass and I hand over the hot coins in my clammy hands.

I sit there and stare at it for a long time, locals come and go, I barely notice, the charts continue to play for hours and hours, this pint had been teasing me for what felt like forever.

It's a drink for God sake! Why can't I drink it?!

"Ros, lass! It's been so long since you came to my pub! Where've you been hiding?! You know-" He tuts. "It was just over a month ago David Bowie came in to see me again!"

I sharply look at Larry but soon soften my gaze, he had no idea about the situation between me and David. "Yeah it's been awhile." I finally cough out still looking at the pint.

"So why aren't you drinking? Not like you to be holding back!" He says with a small, sorrowful smile.

"I guess I lost my drinking spirits..." I mumble.

"How?! You're what- 18?" He chuckles.

"19 last week." I correct him and half smile.

David had left a huge bouquet of flowers, and wrote on the card "Oh you pretty thing." for my birthday. Typical of him to leave song lyrics...! He left me jewellery and clothes, he treated me like a princess.

"Blimey! 19...!" He huffs and chuckles again.

A minute of silence seems to hit me and Larry, and the door squeaks, I take no notice and stare deeply at my drink still.

"A pint please," A cheerful voice sounds. "thanks, mate!" He says to Larry.

I look up from my drink and see a young man sit next to me, on the seat David sat on when he first met me.

"Hello." He says smiling.

"Uh- hi." I stutter.

This man was pleasant, warmhearted... I was almost shocked a man like him would even want to speak to me.

"I'm William, lovely to meet you...?" He trails off asking for my name.

"Ros." And we shake hands and he makes me smile.

"You look like you could be needing some company, so what brings you to the pub?"

"It's a long story..." I mumble, but it's almost impossible to be depressed with William.

Hours past, me and Will sat at the bar talking life styles, he had just moved to Brixton after living in North London for some time.

His hair was perfect chocolate brown, tall, handsome...

He was actually good company, the best I had since David left... He writes his number on the back of my hand with stylish handwriting and I smile at it. "Cheers Will." I smile happily at him which makes him wink back at me.

"Whenever you need me, just call me." He says with a smirk. "Another pint?"

No... Think of the baby...

Before I can even answer him, I hear the squeaking door open again and I look round to see who it is.

"Oh- Ros." Eleanor says awkwardly, and the door squeaks again.

And it got worse... A lot worse.

"Kevin?" I mutter sheepishly.

"Ros." He smirks and looks me up and down.

He knows about the baby...

"Thanks for the drinks Will, I'm sure I'll call you soon." I say getting up from my stool but Kevin is in the way of the door.

"Get out of my way Kevin, you're on bail. You're not allowed to be anywhere near me." I spit and he smirks.

"Why should I let something as pretty as you, go?" He slyly purrs.

"Is there a problem here?" Will says standing in front of me protectively.

Kevin's eyes grow wide, probably amazed that Will is standing up for me...

"Let her go Kev," Ellen grabs his arm and pulls him into her. "She's not worth anything."

I was taken back slightly at my 'best friend's comment. "The pair of you are sick." I choke out. "Jail would've been happy to have you." I spit at Kevin who smirks at me. "And you," I look at El who is already draped over my ex fiancé. "never speak to me again."

I open the squeaky door and walk down the usual Brixton roads to home. El was an idiot, yet in some ways my saviour, at least Kevin wouldn't come running after me again.

"Hey! ROS!" I hear Will shout and see him run towards me which makes me smile. "You forgot this." He pushes his arm forward and I see my red lipstick David had given me the day after the night we shared together.

The thought makes me sad and sigh, I don't show my sadness to William, and falsely smile and thank him.

"Want me to walk you home?" He asks sweetly and I nod.

Once home, Will kissed my cheek goodnight leaving me floating in thoughts about him, but I soon came crashing back to earth once I realised what state I was in and how much I missed David. Was Will my ticket out of a life of misery? William wouldn't want me after I tell him everything that's happened...!?


The following morning I heard murmurs outside my house, puzzled, I go down to see and open the door.

Once my door is open a million flashes blind my eyes waking me up instantly, I was frozen by the cameras and the rowdy men and women. 


"Rosalind! Tell us about the baby!" I hear some reporter shout making my heart stop horribly for a millisecond.

"Is it David Bowie's?!" I hear another shout.

They were like a pack of wolves! Me, the meat! How did they know?


Horrified I slam the door shut and start to cry, why was I so stupid?! The best thing to do would be to get rid of it then the fame would leave me alone. David's career was on the line here!

I run to the phone and dial the number traced on my hand.

"Will," I squeak. "Can you come over? Come the back way though... I need your help..."

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