Chapter Eleven

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"Bella.. Bella" her father softly woke her.
"Wake up, darling" he said as her mom opened the thick brown curtain allowing sun to seep in through the glass window.
Bella rubbed her eyes as she took in her environment.....
This is totally a dream.. My dad and mom waking me up with loving eyes and voice.
"Are you awake?" her mom said stroking her hair as she nodded.
Well, if this is a dream let me enjoy it while it lasts.
"Darling, i just wanted you to know that we love you so much... even if we know we don't really show it, we do" her mom said with sad eyes.. and guilt?
"Go get ready, we are taking you somewhere" her father said without making eye contact and tapped her back.
It's not a dream... not a dream.. then why does it feel so...
"Did you hear me Bella?" her father asked cutting her thoughts. She stood and went to her bathroom as her parents went out of the room.
She let her hair down wearing a casual shirt, skinny trousers and sneakers and her parents took her to an orphanage home..
I'm sure i've seen this name before among father's files. She thought.
"Those cars look familiar" she murmured to herself as she saw an ash honda and black sedan parked beside where her father was now parking.
Bella stayed outside as her parents went into Mrs Collins office. Feeling bored, Linda walked her into the children section narrowly missing the boyz who were walking out of the building through the other side.
As she entered, Sian gave her a fake lily flower which was on a vase.
"aww.. that's so sweet of you.. my name is Bella, what's your name" she said as she collected the flower from the cute child.
"Sian" she gave the girl a tub of chocolate and took a whiff of the scent she knew so well....
The girl smiled brightly and nodded, "Bella, you know Leo... he's my friend... He just left with his friends" the girl said.
Maybe he has a connection with the orphanage.
Curiosity getting the best of her, she walked to Linda who was now concentrated on piano tiles game, "Can i look at the record book for adoption" she said in a serious tone. Not wanting to stop the game she was already almost beating the highest score, Linda pointed at the location of her copy of the records.
"Thank you" Bella said as she got the brown leather covered book and opened through it. Since, the orphanage is a small place, the records over time was small and easy to scan through.  She saw his name and looked closely,
Year 2000
Child's information
41. Adopted child's name:
Ethan Hugo   
Four years                 
New parents name:
Mr & Mrs M.O. Myles
Child's new name:
Leo Myles
Former parents name(not dumped) :
Mrs Hugo

She sighed and was about to close the book when she saw another name that made her heart beat faster as she read,

53. Adopted child's name:
Aimee Scott
Three years old
New parent's name:
Dr & Mrs  Russells
Child's new name:
Isabella Russells
Former parents name (if not dumped):
Mrs Catherine Scott

Her eyes was blurred with hot tears as they came down from her eyes like hot lava from a terrible volcanic eruption. She read and re-read it to make sure she wasn't imagining it. She dropped the book on the seat next to her.
"Sweetie, are you okay" her mom said as her parents accompanied by Mrs Collins came out to call her only to see her crying.
"Bella, what's wrong?" her mom said walking closer to her daughter.
Bella looked at Joan and Richard..  acting on impulse, her legs developing minds of their own started running.
No wonder they didn't love me, no won..
Bam! Something hard hit her and everything went black...

She felt her self laying on a moving bed... Hmmmm... Leo's scent.... she then heard sounds she couldn't understand at first before hearing them as echoes from someone far away,
"Bella.... Bella, don't leave me.. Okay.. Please, you can't leave me" the voice was crying now.
"Leo" she said weakly and the silent darkness took over again.
"She's losing blood, we need to be fast" A doctor called as he turned on the cardiograph...  the heart beat was picking a dangerous pace....
"we need an x-ray to check for internal injuries"
"Already done sir, none"
"Good, there's no time to waste, let's start stitching" the senior doctor said as a nurse brought a tray sharp instruments.
"Clip" the nurse handed it to the doctor
"Hook...... Knife..... Needle" the nurse handed the instrument the doctor wanted as he poked and pulled it through the wounded side of Bella's head.
"tie.. cut.. tie.. cut.. " the doctor instructed.
After the operation, Bella was carried out of the emergency theatre, still unconscious and put in a private room.
"Martin, how was it?"
"She's okay, she wasn't hurt so badly" Martin said patting Richard as he sighed of relief.
"Thank you so much" Joan said as she cried.
"Ma'am, i'm really sorry for what happened... I... I" Leo said with guilt all over his face.
"No, it's okay.. as long as she's safe, she was the one who ran in front of your car, so stop blaming yourself" Richard said as he sat rubbing his now white knuckles.
The three of them walked into her room.
Leo looked at her, unconscious, heart monitor beeping, IV tubes attached to her body, bandage on her head..."Bella" he whispered
"you know her, right?" Joan asked
"yes ma, i do, we're from the same university and class"
"I'm Leo Myles"
"nice to meet you, i'm her mom... Joan and this is my husband, Richard"
Leo called Dave and told him he's not coming home again for some reasons he'll tell when he returns.

Two updates today!!
Okay, secret one or maybe two and three is out.. Its funny when we realise how small the world is..  We part to meet and meet to
part.. Anyways, i'm excited.
Love you awesome readers, Xoxo

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