Chapter Fourteen

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Leo was the last to wake up and prepare for school. School looked strange after four weeks of staying away. People- girls to be more precise stared at the boyz as they made their way in.
"Leo is back!!" Lisi said over excited, "it's being four weeks i saw him last... Sighs.. O my Leo!" she said dreamily and hugged Mandy. Irene looked at them and continued walking, "I've got to go! I have English now " she said quickly over her shoulder and left her sisters.

"Guys, look at this... I got the latest model of G. Armani" Ronald, his brown eyes danced as he told his groupies, his white dyed hair cropped at the front of his cute face with tiny pink lips.
" Really! that's cool" one of the groupie said.
"uh uh, I'm gonna prove to Lisi that i'm better than that Leo she so much adores" he said frowning a bit.
"Don't worry Ron, she'll....... or not" the boy- Dan said and saw Leo walking.
"what? what do you mean?" Ron said and followed the Dan gaze to see Leo wearing the same designer. Ron shook his head,
"If you want Lisi, you've got to do something different and unique to impress her" Dan said and patted Ron.
"Classes are starting, let's go" Dan said and they dispersed.

Leo walked into the biology laboratory as he swung his lab coat over his head. Thankfully, it was their first class for lab work so when he entered most students were already paired in twos with their friends. So Leo was left alone because Austin was not a science student. He saw  a girl alone and went to join her,
"Hi, do you have a partner?" she shook her head no as she turned to face him."My name is Leo by the way"
"I'm Irene" she said shyly putting her head down.
Mr Solomon walked in as two lab attendants carried some boxes in. "Morning class, our experiment today is on food test" he said as the attendants shared the apparatus they needed and an instruction booklet. Lisi saw
Irene and walked over to her with a frown, "thought you had English" she said.
"Ah! I mistakenly read my reading schedule instead of my class's" Irene said as her sister eyed with contempt.
They started the food test,
"iodine" she asked and Leo passed it to her and she used it the carbohydrate, when a dark purple colour appeared she nodded and wrote down her observation in the report note which was to be submitted.
Leo poured about three drops of oil on the filter paper, he looked through it as the paper turned translucent, he made his report on fat and oil.
"Wow! that was fast! Congrats partner" he said as raised his hand for high five and she slapped her palm on his smiling. She looked up at him with smiling eyes.
"You look so much like my mum" he said as a matter of fact and she smiled shyly as she blushed.
"You seem to love biology" he commented.
"you too"
"Okay, when you are through you can clean up and return your apparatus, reports will be submitted in the next class and i have to warn you, practicals make 50% of your grade" Mr Solomon said and the students began to submit the equipments they used. The class was dismissed and they smiled at each other as they took their leave together.
"Am having language next, what's your next class?" she asked. "am free now" he said with a shrug.
"you can come to my class, it's  chinese..." he pretended to think for a while, "hmm... Sure" he said with a bright smile and followed. She led him through the class white door, on the floor were red pillows with a small stool in front of each. He looked around, "um... Irene, where are the chairs?"
"seriously! welcome to mini China in Texas... we seat like them" she said and pointed as the students for the class sat on the pillows folding their legs like monks during meditation. Leo smiled and sat beside her in the same manner.
"Good morning class" Miss Xian said in pure chinese accent.
"Morning ma"
"Today we are going to be  learning Confucianism" she said and sat down. "Confucianism, also known as Ruism, is a
system of philosophical and ethical-sociopolitical teachings sometimes described
as a religion" Miss Xian explained. "Confucianism regards the ordinary activities of human life and especially in human relationships as a manifestation of the sacred, because they are  expression of our moral nature ( xìng ), which has a transcendent anchorage in Heaven ( tiān ) and a proper respect of the gods ( shén ). Some of the basic
Confucian ethical concepts and practices include rén , yì , and lǐ , and zhì . Rén 'benevolence' or 'humaneness' is the
essence of the human being which manifests as compassion. It is the virtue-form of Heaven. Yì is the upholding of righteousness and the moral disposition to do
good. Lǐ is a system of ritual norms and propriety that determines how a person
should properly act in everyday life according to the law of Heaven. Zhì is the ability to
see what is right and fair, or the converse, in the behaviors exhibited by others.
Confucianism holds one in contempt, either passively or actively, for failure to uphold the
cardinal moral values of rén and yì". Snacks was shared with hot ginseng tea as the class went on. Complicated wise sayings of old were taught. Irene chuckled as she saw Leo with zero attention to teacher doze off.
"How was the class?" she asked as they left. "Incredibly boring but i gained something"
"and what would that be?"
"By three methods we may
learn wisdom: First, by
reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which
is easiest; and third by
experience, which is the
bitterest" he said proudly with a deep voice making Irene laugh. "At least i got a quote to encourage myself" he defended as she gave him a 'that's all?' face. Her smiled deemed a little as she remembered he must be going through a tough time, "How is Bella? I don't see her around again. Did you guys breakup?" she asked. "Nah, she's sick that's all" he said as he walked ahead of her with a not so happy voice.
Irene sighed, "Thank God, you guys didn't break up" she said quietly. The boyz called Leo, "See you around Irene, it was nice to meet you" he waved and left.

Am sorry if i bored you with Confucius teachings but you got to admit it's good for the........ Soul? Anyway, guys who loves fantasy books, i totally recommend therianthrope by jilguera on wattpad. It's a vampire,werewolf series and supernatural abilities by upthere, it's about supernatural powers. You guys should suggest books to me too. Second semester is beginning already so i have to start becoming serious.
Love you awesome readers, Xoxo

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