Chapter Twelve

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The way Leo held tightly to Bella's hand even when he was asleep made her parents believe there is definitely more to their friendship than Leo said.
The next day, she kept moaning something inaudible in her deep sleep, "Bella, bella, can you hear me" Leo said his wide eyes shining.
" Ethan...are you leaving?" she murmured,

"promise me, you'll come back to get me" little Aimee said.
"i promise" Ethan said crossing their pinky fingers together,her big honey brown sad eyes looked like her tears will soon spill.
She hugged him, " i'll wait for you to come get me...... I'll wait even if it's forever...okay" she released him, looked into his eyes and smiled.

The memory replayed itself in Leo's head as he looked at her and remembered who last said that to him trying to fit in the puzzle.
He shook his head, part of him was happy, super happy and the other guilty, super guilty.
Aimee was here along and i couldn't recognize her instead i hurt her. 

Everyone in the orphanage knew how inseparable Aimee and Ethan was until he was adopted. Aimee cried that day waiting for him, she was in the hospital the next day when her present parents adopted her. Joanna saw the cute child and fell in love with her. Every night Leo dreamt of the day they seperated so to fulfill his promise he kept going back to the orphanage hoping that one day he would find his first love. His attachment to Aimee made it difficult and guilty of him to date other girls. Although he did date, but they always broke up because he never stopped talking about Aimee.

"Kiddo, thank you for everything you've done to help us but you should go home and rest, you've being here since yesterday" Richard said.
Leo didn't have the strength to argue, he nodded and walked sluggishly to his car and drove home.
"You're here? I thought you'd have run away again, coward" Harry spat as he opened the door.
"there was an accident" Leo said quietly. Immediately the boyz were all around him, "are you injured?"
"were you in the hospital"
"how bad is it?" they asked at once.
"it's not me that's hurt" they sighed.
"it's Bella" he finished and the boyz were hyped again.
"why was she there"
"is she okay?"
"how did it happen anyway?"
Leo dragged his feet to his room with the boyz at his back following and picked the picture of him and Aimee the day he was adopted and started to pick the resemblance he had ignored. He turned the picture to the boyz,
"Does the girl in the picture look familiar" he asked and the boyz looked at each other with a what's-wrong-with-him look.
"Of course Leo, that's Aimee... you know... the girl you've being looking for, for years now....the girl you said was in the same orphanage with you" Dave answered gently like he was giving hints to a patient with amnesia.
Leo grunted, seriously!
"No, i mean does Aimee look like Bella" the boys looked at it.
"Now that you say that, they actually do" Austin said looking at the little girl smiling sadly.
"Speaking of Bella look alike, she looks like your sister too" Dave said to Harry who rolled his eyes and turned to Leo,
"Is she Aimee?" he asked.
"I'm not sure, but i feel so"
"she said something"
"then ask her"
"she's still unconscious"
"oh!..... don't worry, she'll wake up soon"
"let's leave you to freshen up and rest" he nodded and the boyz made their way to the door. Harry turned as he was at the door, "Bella was never dating anybody, i talked to her when you were away"
"apparently, she got a text from you which wasn't you, telling her to come two hours earlier to the time you guys agreed to and was mad at you for standing her up on your first date together and sending a substitute instead, since she was not with her phone she couldn't call you"
Leo nodded, "meaning someone tried to break us before we even started dating, have any idea who that might be?"
Harry shook his head no, "whoever was that succeeded all thanks to your lack of trust"
"you can't blame me for that after what Anna did"
"not all girls are the same, you need to get that through your thick skull first!" Harry said and left the room.

Anna was the only girl Leo loved after Aimee, they were in highschool together, the boyz, Charles and Anna. They were very close with Anna who was dating Leo but she got tired of it too... Aimee this, Aimee that and she broke up with Leo and started dating Charles who she had been with secretly when she was still with Leo. The betrayal was severe on Leo's part, his best friend and his girlfriend.

Leo went to the hospital the next day after school with the boyz to check on Bella. When they entered the room, she was already awake. "Bella!!" they said and rushed to her bed not noticing her parents who were sitting opposite her bed fast asleep.
Bella looked up at the boyz and smiled.
"are you okay?" Leo asked and her smile turned upside down.
"um.. we'll give you guys a moment" Harry said and dragged the two boys to greet Bella's parents and distract them. "Bella.." sigh "I know what i did and said was wrong, i'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that, i was an ass!"
"woaw! woaw! you're still self-punishing yourself. As long as you know you were an 'ass' for what you did, that's good to know" she said.
"i regret what i did, dorky"
"someone once told me regret no matter how soon is already too late, you know why? because the deed is already done"
"so do i take it that i'm forgiven"
"The Bible tells me not to go to bed with a grudge in my heart, so you were forgiven before i could sleep " she said
"and what time did you go to bed?"
"the next day"
Leo looked at her, eyes wide open before gaining his composure. He hugged her, "thank you for forgiving me.....i'm sorry for not trusting you" she smiled as he patted her back.
"Ahem!" Richard cleared his throat and they broke their hug.
"Dad, i want you to meet my boyfriend, Leo"
Leo shook Richard's hand, "Nice to meet you, sir"
"Hurt my daughter and i'll break your bones"
"Yes, sir!" Leo said and everyone laughed.

Leo turned back to Bella remembering what he wanted to confirm, "Bella."
"are you Aimee?" her eyes widened remembering the earlier revelation of her being adopted and nodded,
"how did you know?"
The boyz looked surprised, Finally! the long search had yielded result.
"It's me... Ethan"

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