Chapter Twenty-One

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"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, may his soul rest in perfect peace" the priest prayed.
"Amen" we all murmured.
"Family excuse us, we shall begin the transplant now" A nurse said as Martin  walked in with his surgeon scrubs, his wet hands up to avoid touching anything, a mask and cap to cover his hair. I shed a tear as i looked at the nineteen year old boy whose life had ended as we were ushered out of the surgery theatre.

Now speaking of dead or should i say 'almost near dead' nineteen year old boys... I walked briskly to his room and sighed in relief to see him still soundly asleep.

Bang! The gun sounded and i froze. His eyes open now glassy with unshed tears, the gun fell out of his hand and he fell with it. I paused not knowing what to do as i stared at my friends body on the ground.
"Boy, you are lucky i came just in time" an elderly man in police uniform said as he patted my shoulder.
"what?" i whispered
"I shot him with a traquilizer, so he will be sedated for a couple of hours, although he will have to answer to the station when he wakes up for attempted suicide"
I looked at Leo then noticed there was no blood, tears of joy rushed down my eyes as i fell to the ground crying, the officer patting me while a nurse came to wheel sleeping Leo into a ward.
I couldn't care less if he went to jail! Best friends helped each other not try to scar each other with gruesome memories of bullet blown brains or their dead bodies!

Officer Lee as i found out was his name, left later promising not to report it because he understands when father explained and pleaded with him.
I sat beside Leo watching him sleep peacefully, father entered the room and i stood up,
"How is he?"
"the tranquilizer is still working, how is Bella?"
"the transplant is still going on, so we are praying for a good result"
I sighed and sat down back,
"Son.. We haven't talked since all this happened"
"there's nothing important to talk about" i said sounding bitter. "i need to explain.."
"explain what exactly!" i cut him off.
"Harry, please hear me out"
I was too tired for all this, so i just gave up the fight and sighed, "Go on"
He came nearer and sat on the bed next to Leo,
"when you and Aimee were born, you were our first children so we loved you guys so much and took care of you as much as we could because we were poor then, your mother was a teacher and i was just a broker...pause.. But as you both grew a little older, Bella was having seizures and then we found out she had cardiomyopathy. We tried, i swear we did our best but we were badly bleeding money, i was owing plenty of my clients so we decided to drop her at the orphanage. Your mom cried for weeks watching Aimee from afar. She always celebrated both of you's birthday, you always asked why you got a double cake on your birthday... that was why
Son, believe me when i say it, it hurt me and your mom to let go of Aimee, but we'd rather let her go than watch her die"
"So you sold an ill child for her benefit and yours?
"what do you mean?" he frowned "How did you become rich?"
"Boy, i will not accept that from you! I worked really hard for my money, the only thing Richard gave me was a job in his company in Japan so that i'll be far away, all my achievements today are from the efforts i made, i will never sell my dignity like that"
"Excuse me, i need to go check on mom" i stood up, as i touched the door knob, father put his arm on my shoulder,
"Son i've always and will forever love all my kids, knows that"
I kicked the waste bin beside the door and punched the wall, i was angry! Why? I had no idea.
I walked back to the front of the operating theatre,
"mom, what's going on now?"
As if right on cue, Martin came out the mask covering his face so we couldn't make out his facial expression.
"Martin.. How was it?" Catherine said.
"Congratulations, she made it!"
Our group smiled as we finally breathed with ease. My twin sister made it!
"She will be in the ICU for a couple of days for monitoring" he continued as some other doctors and nurses came out of the room.
"thank you, thank you so much!" Jemimah cried into his shoulders before turning to hug Cathy.

After three days, Bella was transferred back to her former private room but she still hadn't woken up. Martin said we should give her time, that she is healthy and just recuperating. I avoided Dad like a plague and it began to become noticeable.
"Harry!" Rose called
"Can you treat me to a drink"
"No, you're too young and i will not allow you to drink even if you are matured "
She hit my head with her purse "idiot, i was talking about coke"
"oh! Come on let me treat you then" i said laughing silently as i took her to a restaurant near the hospital.
"Now, let me talk, big brother why are you angry with Dad"
I should have known!
"I'm not"
"Oh please! You should know by now that you can't lie to me"
I sighed, "i'm not really sure"
"Okay, think.. why are you angry? She said resting her head on her elbow staring at me.
I thought for while..... Nothing
"he seperated me from my twin for about 14years" i blurted out
She scoffed, "Harry, if you were dad what would you have done otherwise?"
Nothing... I would hace done the exact same thing.
"Good to see you are finally getting sense" she said then leaned back on her chair folding her arms. "You're welcome" she said and left the restaurant back to the hospital.
Rose has got to stop spending much time with grandma, she's beginning to act like ancient wise ones. I thought as i stood up and walked back to the hospital.

Hey guys! So.. how was this chapter. I'm to lazy to proof read for any typo. So if you notice any,  please do help me correct it vy commenting on it. We'll be coming to the end of this story soon :'(  i hope i'll be able to round up before my tests and exam begin.
Another news, some of you might have noticed, i crazily entered this book into Wattys 2016. So vote, fan, comment, share etc..
When i was practicing for an exam i later didn't take, i saw a question.. What is your best fruit and why?
So today's random question is what is your best colour(s) and why?
Mine is yellow which reps youth, pink which reps girl and purple which reps royalty cos am all of the above ;-).
Love you awesome readers, Xoxo

Edited** Guys! I finally learnt how to dedicate (oh am holding back my tears of happiness right now. For every one who has being silently reading  and supporting, just wave hi at the comment box so i can dedicate a chapter to you:-) oh and another thing, who thought it was Leo who was dead at the beginning of this, i can't just let go of him so easily;-)

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