Calling For me ch. 3

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Calling for me Chapter 3.

Chapter 3- Mrs.Carlson

I walked inside to a decrepit looking living room, and sank into a large, velvet red couch, as she handed me a burning hot tea cup. "So, you're feeling that something is watching you, correct?"She questioned. "Yes, if you don't mind, I would like to hear your story first to compare our experiences," I asked. "Of course," she responded.

"So, way back in college, about 53 years ago, I was in my dorm. My room mate Bethany was back at home visiting her family for the weekend, so I was all alone. It was about eight o clock when my older sister Christian called and asked if I wanted to tour an old mansion with her, which i said yes to. The guide told us that a wealthy family use to live in this mansion, the Kinners. Then, he told us that on a cold winter night, 80 years before, the house caught on fire with the whole family inside. Last, he told us that the dead family still roamed the house, that's why some of the places were off limits. Now, don't be fooled by Christian's name, she was quite the troublemaker. "I have to go to the bathroom, will you come with me so that I won't be alone?" questioned Christian. "Of course," I answered ignorantly. Then, Christian ran out the door, and into the graveyard, while pulling me along by the arm. When she finally stopped, i stood in the graveyard. By that very second I had known that I should've never trusted her, for I had seen something completely terrifying."


Hey guys thanks for reading, as I said last chapter, I still have more availible chapters, but i would like to get more reads before i post them. Also, remember to comment and vote if you are enjoying the story


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