Entering the unknown.....

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Calling for me- Chapter 8: Entering the Unknown

I stepped onto the old, moldy wooden steps as they creaked and craked in harmony with the breeze. All eight of us walked up on the faded, grey porch, silently. Hunter paced up to the door as he slowly twisted the rusty knob. When he finally opened the door, the inside was filled with cobwebs and darkness. As I entered the threshold, I gained chills and a bad feeling. "Okay Jessica, how long do we all have to stay here?" Asked Jason. "Well, if you want to pass the dare, until midnight; but if you want to pass the dare and me keep quiet about this whole situation, then until tomorrow morning," explained Jessica. "So what's it going to be?" Asked the abnormally quiet Hunter. "Well, let's just see how tonight goes," answered Bella.

As I walked upon the old wooden staircase, I peered up to find an antique chandelir. I explored most of the house, and decided that this wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be. I also realized, that they had done a good job rebuilding this house after the fire. "This is so boring, let's go to the basement!" Exclaimed Jackie. Ironically, the first one who found the basement was Noah, but probably only because the secret door was in the pantry. Julie grabbed a flash light and led us down the stairs. When the steps finally ended, I tripped over a few boxes, but Jason helped me back up. I looked around, with help from the light from the beam of the flash light. 'Stone walls; no air conditioning;lack of furniture: this was probably a cellar,' I thought to myself. I thought I saw the flashing light from Mrs. Carlson's dream, but it was probably just the flashlight beam or my imagination trying to get the best of me. I started to hear random whistling noises; I looked around the group, but couldn't tell if they were just talking or whistling. I looked over at Bella and Jason, accidently walking into a wall, and that was the last thing I remembered.


Oh my gosh guys!!!! Thank you so much, I can't believe it. Thank you for getting to 55 reads, I can't tell you how much it means to me. Before I saw how many reads I had, I wasn't planning on posting a new chapter for a while. But because of you all I will post another chapter 😊 I have been running out of inspiration lately though, so I don't currently have that many chapters to post. So after I upload chapter 9, I won't repost until we reach the goal, here's the goal:

70 reads total, 5 votes total, and 5 total followers (this may vary, it depends).

ps: I have to go to practice but I'll post the next chapter when I get home.

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