Chapter 15- Things happen( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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Jason's POV

Okay so far, 3 of my friends, well only 2 of them were actually my friends, have died/disappeared. Now I'm the only guy left, in this creepy house, stuck with four girls. Audrey is pretty cool, but the triplets-yeesh. They cry and complain and scream then repeat the whole cycle. I wonder if we will ever get out of here, or if we will die in this place and never get out. No one would ever know what happened, or know our thoughts, and all for a stupid, little, dare. (Kinda like Oblivion lol @Mrs_Tommo4 )

The triplets were truly, spoiled, stuck up brats. Jessica isn't as bad as I thought she was, but they are just so fake. I don't know how Hunter handled them, but he kinda acts like them too so, go figure. The record player started some old song that my grandparents would listen to, all by itself. In this place, you kind of have to expect the unexpected, even if you start to expect it anyways. The weird thing is, sometimes even when you expect it, it still scares you. All of the knick-knacks on the table started shaking, and some of them even fell over. Jackie started to whimper.

"What is it, Jack?"Julie questioned.

She refused to respond.

"Knowing my sister Jackie, she either is scared by the record player, playing by itself, or she is just scared of this terrible, old music," Jessica said.

Audrey and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Guys, let's try to fall asleep in here, maybe things will be better when we wake up," Audrey suggested.

"Okay, that sounds like a good idea," I said back.

I grabbed a pile of blankets from the corner of the room and gave one to everyone. Julie and Jackie cringed at the sight of dust particles on the blankets. Everyone chose a spot to lay down on, whether it was the couch or the floor, and I just sat there thinking for about an hour. I sat up and looked around, everyone seemed to be asleep. Julie sat up and coughed, then stared right at me. I guess I wasn't the only one awake.

"Can't sleep?" I asked. She shook her head yes.

"I just-just don't know. I'm scared for my life and I feel like I won't make it out. I mean, I've been a pretty good person so far, why do I deserve this?" She said, as if she was thinking out loud.

"Well, not to be rude," I smirked. "But quite a few people have been bullied by you. Also, this all happened just because of your sister's little dare," I told her.

"Yeah, but I mean we are just teenagers, we are only testing the ropes. I've heard about many people who have been bad as teenagers, but become great people as adults. I have so much life ahead of me and I don't want to loose it over some dumb dare," she explained.

"Yeah. I use to think you all were fake but it sounds like you might actually have some personality in there!" I laughed.

"I mean everyone thinks of us as the popular, fake girls, but sometimes we are deeper than that. I'll admit it, I do have a bit of a nerdy side, and yes I do get all A's. Sometimes it's fun being cool and popular, but I just want to be me. Yeah, Jessica is kind of the alpha of us three, but she is not as evil as you think she is. She may not have a secret geek side, but she does have potential to follow her dreams. And I'm the geeky one who kind of got pulled into this, so I just play along, act scared, because I don't want to ruin Jessica's potential. Without a posse, she wouldn't have as much popularity, which brings down the potential. And I hate to say this, but Jackie is kind of the dumb one, who just follows whatever. She's girly and loves her phone, but hasn't exactly found herself yet. I just felt like you should know more about us," Julie explained.

I finally knew more about them. I now know what they mean by, 'don't judge a book by it's cover.' Sometimes even the plainest of people can show their true personality.

"Wow I never knew any of that," I responded.

"Yeah no one really cares to hear- that is except for you. Now tell me about you and your friends, and yes I promise I will listen," she said back smiling.

"Well, I'm an open book. I like to play all kinds of sports, and yes I have a bit of a geeky side too, not too much though. Umm well Noah, he's the kind of air head too. He likes football and video games and the internet and we were bros but now..."I told her.

"Sorry about that..." she said.

"Oh it's fine, I just kind of miss him... but anyways Bella is the fashion girl who loves magazines and phones and teenager shows. She also drags all of us to the mall all the time. And Audrey is kind of like a girl version of me. She plays sports and gets good grades, and she's pretty creative too. Yeah she's kind of phone-obsessed too, though not as much. And... and....." I continued.

"And.. and...." She mocked me.

"You like her don't you?" She smirked.

"No!!" I rejected.

"Yes you dooo... admit it!" She laughed.

"Okay, okay fine... maybe just a little bit, but you CAN'T tell anyone!!" I told her.

"Okay, fine, I won't I promise, besides this might be one of our last nights, so make it count!" She said.

Yes, I do kind of like Audrey, well I do like her actually. But her I am, admitting that to Julie Red? I think I kind of liked her too. Now I feel like a girl with all of these emotions, uggh. This night has screwed me up.

"Okay so who do you like then???" I asked teasingly.

"Well, I've never even really liked Hunter at all, like some people think I do. I like that guy who's the quarterback on the football team, Chance Browning," She giggled.

"Oooohhh somebody's got a crusssshhhh!!!" I joked.

"Wow sleepovers with guys are better than sleepovers with girls! No drama, or lies, or any of that crap!" She said.

"Yea guys are pretty awesome," I said back.

Maybe this house wasn't so bad after all.


Lol idk what else to put so for the divider so yeah!

Thanks for reaching the goal, you all are awesome!!!

Comment any suggestions, ideas, or thoughts in the comments!

Also comment who's POV you want next!!!!!

Okay maybe it is getting less scary and more teenagish, but it's gon be scary at the end😈😈

For the next goal, I'm gonna say 19 votes and 400 reads!!

Heheehehe luv u all!!!

I'm coming up with new books and I will update more since it's summerrrrr

Byee luv y'all hehe

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