I wouldn't open that......

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Calling For Me: chapter 9- Don't open that

I was awoke by a chill that spread across my face, as if someone blew across it. Once again, I heard the whistling noise, but this time I smelt smoke, like someone was smoking a pipe or something. When I opened my eyes I looked up to faintly

see everyone argueing. I sat up and began to listen to find out what was going on. Apperently, someone had almost broke the flashlight, and tried to use to batteries for their music player, which you could obviously guess was Jessica. This was kind of stupid so I stood up and everyone shut up. After that, no one had said a word and we just kept walking. Finally, we came upon and large, wooden chest. Bella pulled out her hair clip and picked the lock. Jason and Noah slowly opened the chest, but I almost could not believe what I saw.


Hey guys I'm really sorry that I haven't updated yet. I've been really busy so I haven't checked Wattpad lately and I've only written up to chapter 10 or 11. I'm sorry if I have been annoying you with cliff hangers(not a lot of people like those), but I will post the whole chapter 10 or at least half tomorrow if I have time. I would post now but I'm really tired, so you'll see what they find tomorrow(I've been planning this part since like June so I hope you like it), it should be really shocking and sadly it leads to another cliff hanger. By the way don't forget to read my new book, 'A Sick World'! But thanks for reading!

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