Chapter 14- crazy

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Jessica's P.O.V

Okay so we are like in this really creepy, dusty attic and HUNTER DIED LIKE 2 HOURS AGO LIKE OMG!!! I mean like I could've totally made Audrey go alone but she tricked me!! Plus it's sooo cold because this house is old and like I don't know if it has a heater or nah so yea. And my phone died like Omg ugh! Julie and Jackie are freaking out too. Like I said, right now we're in a creepy attic with a bunch of toys, and these creepy dolls are in the big trunk in the center of the attic. I swear, they are blinking and I am not kidding. I glance over and see that Bella doesn't like the dolls either, apparently. Her eyes start to widen as she stares at the dolls, and her face turns pale.

"Bella, w-what's wrong?" I ask gently, and unwilling to look over at the dolls, for fear of what I might see.

She just stares at me. I finally gain the courage to look at the dolls. I stare at the flaws I suddenly notice, that I hadn't seen before. Some were missing eyes, others had large cracks across their bodies, and some were missing hair. Then I noticed one specific one that seemed strange. She had long, blonde curls, a white satin gown, deep blue eyes, and red rosy cheeks. I stared at her, then I saw it. Her head nudged over a little, and she blinked. No one was even near the doll, but I was sure it had happened. Then her cheeks turned redder, and redder, until they looked like the color of a cherry. In shock, I looked over at Bella. Now, she had an indescribable look on her face. I looked back at the doll, then blinked. The doll was now gone, and so was Bella.

Audrey let out a shriek and look over to Jason, who had a confused, and slightly frightened look on his face. I now looked over to my two sisters. They looked totally freaked out. I was born ten minutes before Julie, and twenty minutes before Jackie, so I was the oldest. Because of this, although this may sound weird, I had to be the most mature, even though we were all basically the same age. This was getting out of hand. Already, three people had disappeared/died tonight, Noah, Hunter, and Bella. I could suddenly feel someone breathing on the side of my face.

"J-j-Jackie? J-julie?" I whispered, tears filling my eyes.

"Guess again," the low scratchy, voice of a woman said.

I slowly turned my towards the sound, and saw a woman with rotted teeth, no eyes, and long black hair. I had so much fear right now, and I was trying to stay calm. I felt like I was going to be sick, cry, and have a heart-attack, all in one. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, causing my makeup to run, as I backed away slowly. I was staring at Julie, who was just as scared as I was.

"W-w-hat do you want from us?" I asked, shakily.

"A soul." She responded eerily.

I blinked, and she was gone. I then spotted a door and went over to it. Anything to get out of this room. I tripped over something hard when I had almost reached the door. It was a bronze key. They all stared at me, but I knew that they hadn't seen the key. I got up and pocketed the key, because it could come in handy. I opened the door to see a room with an old record player, a large, red velvet couch, a large wooden dresser, and many more things, including knick-knacks of course.

"How many rooms are there? Why are there so many rooms? We just keep going from one to another, like a maze without an end!" Jackie exclaimed.

"I don't know, I just need to get out of here soon. It's kind of driving me crazy," I responded.

Crazy. Yea I was feeling crazy by now. Crazy, confused, and alone in a room full of others.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the update and awesome job because you all reached the goal within one week! I'm starting to have this planned out more, so it hopefully shouldn't take me as long to come up with ideas. Comment who's POV you wanna see next, or I'll just chose if nobody has a preference. I'm setting the next goal for 350 reads and 17 votes and don't forget to vote which book I will post next; Summer's Summer or Twisted! (The description was in the latest update if you didn't see it). Btw in case you were wondering, I did change the way Jessica spoke in the chapter. You can probably see that at the beginning of the chapter she spoke like a total teen and at the end she sounded more like an adult. Thanks guys I hope you love reading Calling For Me as much as I love writing it, bye donut cakeessss!!!!

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