°•·journals II·•°

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"y/n baby, what are you reading?" Justin asked. You can already feel the sweat forming on your palms.

"Oh nothing, just something I found. It's nothing." You lied.

You couldn't believe he pretended to love you. That shot right through you and left a million open wounds.

the next day

"Babe, I'm going to the studio to record new songs. It'll take a couple hours." He walked over, kissed your lips, and left the house.

You couldn't take it. Tears started forming at the thought of that, that kiss meant nothing. You let the tears fall gracefully down your cheek.

You gathered your things and packed your bags. Since Justin always in his journal, I'll write something in there.

April 12th

Justin I saw your journal page about me and yes I love you so much but I guess you don't love me anymore. It hurts me thinking about it. If you come searching for me you should stop because I'll be long gone missing you. I guess it for the better. Goodbye Justin, I love you

Love y/n.

You grabbed your bags and carried them to your car and drove off far, far, away to east bubble butt town (I couldn't think of a town)


It was a very long day today. I just want to go home and lay down.

I finally got home and noticed it was really quiet.
"y/n?" I asked while walking up the stairs.

I walked into our bed room and laid down. Where's my baby to cuddle me.


Oh shit, I forgot my purse. I drove back to the house and prayed to God Justin wasn't back yet.

I opened the door and crept up the stairs. I didn't see him so I ran into the bedroom seeing Justin.

"y/n where were you?" He asked worryingly.
"Why do you care?" You scoffed.
"Because I'm your boyfriend and I love you." He looked very sincere

You grabbed your purse. "Well your journal says otherwise."

➶here's the part 2 for you guys. Hope you enjoyed. I know I say this almost every imagine but will you guys read my new story? Even if you don't read it, I published it already lol. ily guys IGNORE IT IF IT REPEATS ITSELF! IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE 4 PAGES

Justin Bieber Imagines *completed for now*Where stories live. Discover now