°•·breakfast in bed·•°

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Its Mothers Day and rn y/n is asleep. She is very sick. The doctor has told her to stay in bed and rest. So with that being said I'm doing any and everything she wants with no arguments. I don't want my baby stressed out.

I quietly walk upstairs to wake up our 6 year old daughters' Joy and Kyla so they can help.

I gently shake them so they can wake up. "Joy," I whisper. "Yes daddy?"
"Come on so we can wake up Kyla." She gets up and we go to Kyla's room.

"Kyla, wake up." Joy shook her sister. Kyla opened her eyes. "What?" She whined.

"I need you guys to help me in the kitchen." I put Kyla on my back and carried Joy like she was a baby and walked down stairs.

We got into the kitchen and I sat them down at the island in the kitchen. "Okay, I need your help. I want you guys to help me make breakfast for mommy."

"Oh that sound fun." Joy says. Kyla nods.

"What do you want to make mommy?" I ask. "Heart shaped pancakes." Joy says. "She should get bacon too." Kyla adds. I'm making her a parfait because she loves those.

I take out the bacon and pancake mix and measuring cups.

"Okay girls wash your hands in the bathroom." They scurry off.

Within a few seconds they're back.
"Okay Kyla pour the pancake mix to this line." I pointed, she poured.

"Now Joy add a little bit of water." I watched her to make sure she's doing it right.

"Daddy can we listen to music?" Kyla asked. I nodded. "I'm finished adding water." Joy told me. "Okay baby I'll be right there."

I Bluetooth my phone to my beats pill y/n bought for me. I put on company.

"Oh daddy this is my favorite song." I smiled.

I walked over to where Joy was and started mixing the pancake mix. When it was finished I sprayed the pot with cooking spray and poured some of the mix inside.

While the 1st pancake was cooking I decided to put the bacon on. I put them in the oven instead. They taste the same.

While the food was cooking I went over and started dancing with my children to company.

"Can we, we keep, keep each other company?" We sang.

I noticed Joy hit the folks. "Joy, where did you learn that from?"

"Mommy." typical y/n.

When company went off, I flipped the pieces of bacon and flipped the pancake.

skip to when food is done bc lazy

"Okay now girls we have to make something called a parfait." They looked at me in confusion.

"What's that daddy?" Joy asked

"It's a treat where there are layers and one is fruit then the next is yogurt and so on." They nodded.

I took out a mason jar, fruits, granola, and strawberry yogurt

"Okay Kyla, scoop your hand in the bag and put the raspberries in." She did as told.

I scooped the yogurt and put it in.

"Joy sweetheart, come put some blueberries in. Scoop your hand in and-"

"I know what to do daddy." Okay excuse me.

She put the blueberries in.

I put the yogurt in
Kyla put the granola in
I put the yogurt in
Joy put blueberries in
I put yogurt in
Kyla put raspberries in.

"Okay girls now that we're finished, we have to bring it up to mommy." Joy grabbed a fork, the syrup, and a spoon. I grabbed the plate of her food and Kyla grabbed the parfait.

When we got upstairs my baby was still asleep.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" y/n squirmed but stayed asleep.

"Mommy, Hailey is downstairs." Joy said. Y/N shot right up.

"WHAT!?" she looked around.
"Look what we have for you." She sat up so she can see.

"We made you breakfast." She teared up. "Aww you guys did this all for me?" The girls nodded. I smiled at how cute they are.

"Aww I love you guys." Joy and Kyla jumped on the bed and hugged y/n.
"We love you too."

"It was all daddy's idea." She looked shocked. "Oh, it was all daddy's idea?" I smiled and nodded. "Well come here daddy." I crawled over to her and kissed her plumped lips.

"Ew mommy has cooties." Joy yelled. Kyla and Joy ran out the room and closed the door.

"This is the best mothers day ever." She smiled.

"I love you so much." I kissed her again.
"I love you too baby."

"Okay I have to go downstairs and cook for the little ones."

She pouted. "Okay when you're finished come keep me company."

I walked out the room and went downstairs to start cooking breakfast.

I'm glad I married y/n.

OKAY GUYS! Did you like it? Yes or no? Anyways I just randomly thought of it but you guys can always request. I always have writers block and I'm always bored. So request sometimes, you can message me if you want. ily guys x

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