25- Cure

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"Caitlin, you ok?" Sam asked while we were laying in bed.

"Mostly. Just bringing up my powers made me wonder if I can control them forever. I just don't want to hurt you two."

"We'll deal with it. You won't hurt us. Just know you're always safe here and you're always loved no matter how mad I get." He consoled. I nodded.

"I'm just sorry, Sammy. I shouldn't have left you and kept this from you for so long. I was scared." I added.

"I know that. It's ok. We're ok. Are you sure there's no cure by the way?" He wondered.

"I don't know what it is if there is one. I've looked for years to no avail. You're welcome to look, but if you can't find one, please don't treat me any different. Please. I'm still me."  I begged.

"I know you're the same person. I won't treat you any differently. I love you and I'm sorry I treated you so horribly."

"It's ok. I love you too." I replied. We went to sleep comfortably.

Weeks flew by and before I knew it, I was walking down the aisle in a flowing white dress to become Mrs. Winchester. It was a great day until Dean found something on his computer. Sam headed to bed and I was up watching tv. Dean appeared in the doorway with a laptop in his hands.

"'Sup Dean?" I asked.

"I think you should see this." He sat next to me and showed me what he found.

"Is this...?"

"Yep. It's a possible cure for your powers. You should become a human if we do this spell. I'll have Sam look over the translation since that's more his expertise than mine and make sure, but this should work." I simply nodded. "Why aren't you happy? This is good news."

"Dean, I'm gonna be different once we're done. I'm not gonna be who I am now. I'm scared of what you and Sam will think of me." I explained. "Your opinion means everything to me. I don't want to be someone you guys don't want to spend time with anymore." I didn't want this to ruin everything.

"Caitlin, that's what you're worried about? It doesn't matter what happens. We love you and care about you, powers or no powers. It'll be ok. I'll discuss with Sam tomorrow. Just try to get some sleep." I nodded.

"Thanks, Dean." I got up and went to my room. Sam was still awake. "Hey."

"Hey. Why are you upset? We're married now. I thought you'd be happy. Did we go too fast into this?" He asked. He hoped he hadn't made things too difficult.

"It's not that. We waited plenty long. It's just, Dean found a cure. He's gonna have you double check a translation tomorrow to be sure, but he found one."

"I'm still not seeing why you're upset." He added.

"Sam, I'm gonna be a whole different person once we do it. I don't want you to stop-"

"If you are even considering finishing that with loving you, then stop right there." He cut me off. "I will always love you. It doesn't matter what you do. Besides, you didn't have any of this when you stayed with Dean and I as kids. I fell in love with you all those years ago and you were normal with no powers. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. This will be a good thing. You won't have to hide or control your powers anymore." He consoled.

"You'll really still love me?"

"Of course. I'm never gonna stop. Did you think I was gonna leave you? Even though we're married now?" I nodded sadly. "I'm so sorry I made you think I would. I wouldn't dare. I'm here for you and I love you so much."

"I love you too, Sam. It's ok. If you want to do this, we can try the cure. I'm ok with it." I added.

"If you're ok with it, I think we should. I don't want you to have to try to keep your powers under control any longer. I can tell it's hard on you."

"Thanks. We can do it." I replied. A couple days later we got to work. We drove across town to various places to find the ingredients we needed- various herbs, roots, blood from things, the whole 9 yards. We finally made it back to the bunker after a long day of searching.

"Ok. So we just have to combine all of this and say some Latin mumbo jumbo and you'll be cured." Dean stated nonchalantly as if spells were a regular occurrence.

"Ok. I have one condition if we do this." I replied.

"What is it?" They both questioned.

"No matter how painful it is or sounds, keep going. Finish this spell no matter what. I read that if you try but don't finish, I'll be immune to it. You've gotta finish it."

"Caitlin," Sam started.

"I mean it, Sam. You two have to finish it." They both nodded and we got to work. We did it in the panic room in case something were to happen.

"Ready?" Dean asked. I nodded. Dean mixed the ingredients while Sam said the spell. At first nothing seemed to happen but in a sudden wave, pain flooded through my veins at a strength I never could have imagined. I clutched my head and fell to the floor. Sam tried to stop at seeing me hurt.

"Keep going!" I shouted through the pain. He continued. I desperately wanted to pass out but I didn't. I was in so much pain that I was involuntarily thrashing on the floor. I saw a bright swirl of black smoke and angel grace flow from my mouth before I passed out.

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