Chapter Eleven - The Werewolf

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Jay's pov:

"What's happened to him? Is he OK?" Amy bursts through the door, Lissa and Nadine in tow.

"He was coming over to see us," Moose says grimly. "And when he didn't show up, we went looking for him,"

"And we just found him laying on the forest floor. He looked pretty beat up and there were claw marks on his face," I add.

"He's going to be ok, though, right?" Amy frowns. "He's got to be OK!"

Tears pour down Amy's face and she pushes past me. Matt is laying down on the couch and Amy takes his hand. She plays with his hair.

"He'll be fine," I reassure her.

"Not when he finds out her hands have been all over him," Moose mutters and I grin.

It's no secret, Amy's feelings for Matt, but he's totally oblivious to her. She even dislikes him meeting female fans, even though the two aren't even together.

"That looks serious," Nadine frowns at the claw marks on his face.

"W-what?" Amy stammers. "What do you mean!?"

"I once went camping," Nadine says "And my sister got attacked by a wild animal there. She had similar claw marks on her face to Matt,"

"But she's ok now, right?"

"Yes," Nadine hesitates. "But there's something strange about this," Nadine gestures at one of the claw marks. It's still bleeding, but it's a very bright red.

"It's not usually this colour," Nadine explains.

"What's going to happen to him?" Amy is hysterical.

"I don't know," Nadine sighs. "But we'll have to find a cure. It looks pretty bad,"

"Oh God..." Amy whispers. She runs down to the basement, probably to search for a cure.

"He'll be OK," Moose says firmly. "We're not letting our frontman die on us,"

"I'm more afraid of Amy's reaction than what might happen to Matt," Padge murmurs.

"Amy and Matt? Are they a couple?" Lissa asks curiously. 

"Amy wishes," I snort.

Lissa nods, her face unreadable.

Matt lets out a low groan.

"Morning sunshine," I say.

"What happened?" Matt moans.

"Matt!" Amy squeals. She runs across to him. Matt grins as Amy sits down by the couch and embraces him.

"D'you think I'd ever leave you, love?" Matt smiles at Amy who practically melts.

Nadine's pov:

"I hope Matt and Amy get together. They'd make a lovely couple,"

"Mm," Liss says, not paying attention.

The two of us went back to Shannon's house and we were sitting in her room. She was staring at her massive Bullet for my Valentine poster and I was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Oh come on, he's too old for you," I roll my eyes. "And you're too young for him,"

"That didn't stop him," Lissa mutters.

I sit up. "What?" I ask, grinning "Did you say?"

Lissa smiles sweetly at me. "Nothing,"

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