Chapter Twelve - The Full Moon

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A/N: OK, I am so, SO sorry its been months since the last update. I've had, literally, no ideas whatsoever and now that I've finally got an idea for the rest of the story, updating will be much quicker (promise!), vote, comment & share! :3 (and, again, I am so sorry)

Jay's pov:

"Where the hell is Moose and Liss?" Nadine asks impatiently. 

"They better come back soon," I say, worried. "Its the full moon tonight,"

"So?" Nadine shrugs. 

"So? Moose is a werewolf. He'll transform soon and, without us to restrain him, he'll probably shred Shannon to pieces," Padge explains. 

"I thought he could turn into a werewolf whenever he wanted to," Nadine frowns. "I'm confused now,"

"He can," I nod. "But when he's in that form, he keeps his normal mind. When its the full moon, however, he goes totally savage," 

Nadine jumps up and strides towards the door. 

"Where're you going?" Amy grabs her arm. "You can't walk around the forest, you know its not safe!"

"My best friend is in trouble," Nadine says quietly. "And I'm going to save her," she shrugs Amy off and pulls open the door. A freezing wind slams the door shut again. 

"Its snowing!" Matt exclaims. Then he goes silent. "Nad's right," he murmurs. "We've got to go and find them. They'll freeze to death in this snow - you saw how they were wearing summer stuff,"

There's a moment of silence. 

"We shouldn't all go," Amy pursed her lips. "Some of us should stay. Matt, you can-"

"I'm going to find her," Matt says. "I mean, them," he corrects himself quickly. 

"I'll go too," I volunteer. 

"You're not stopping me, either," Nadine says firmly. 

"And I'll go as well," Padge nods. "I can take the cold in my vampire form," 

And then he shifts, and Nadine looks ready to faint. 

"You're always going to freak the hell out of me in that form," she muttered. 

"And I'm going to enjoy it," Padge grins. 

"I'll stay here," James says. "And, Amy, you stay too,"

Amy doesn't look thrilled at the thought of Matt leaving her behind and I grin at her glum expression. I shove on my coat, as does Matt and Nadine, although Nad pauses to change into her Valkyrie form.

"How the hell are we going to find them?" Nadine sarts shivering the moment we're outside. "We've got no idea where they've gone to," 

"Let's try the area where we last saw the body," I suggest. "They might've been there, looking for any evidence of the monster that killed the poor human,"

"I think we should split up," Padge decides. "Me and Matt will go to the southern part of the forest, where the town is. Jay and Nad, you two go up to where the body used to be,"

"Oh goody," Nadine mutters. "There'll probably be another one there,"

"Come on, Nad," I pull her along. "We'll be quick," 

The snow isn't getting any better and, before we know it, we're hoplessly lost. Nadine starts muttering under her breath, again, and I pace around, trying to figure out where we've came from. I'm freezing as well. The sky's gone completely dark and the full moon's up. 

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