Part 2

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Rose's POV

Two years later.

"Happy Birthday Matthew!" I whispered to my baby as he slept in his crib.

It's been almost two years since I ran away from the Academy, leaving my Dhampir life behind.

I had no other option really, after I found out I was pregnant with an impossible child whose father left me to be with my best friend's boyfriend's aunt, I felt devastated. I was scared. I didn't know what to do and most importantly I didn't know how it was possible.

So I had to leave, but I couldn't leave my best friend behind. Although we had grown apart for a while at the time, I still cared for her, but most importantly I love her. She was my only family just like I was hers. Of course I had my mother but she was and is still a hardcore guardian. The only thing she would've done was yell at me for being so irresponsible. But how was I supposed to know that I could get pregnant with another Dhampir? We grew up knowing it was impossible! But I didn't plan to stick around and have everyone at Court experimenting on me or the little miracle I was carrying to find out.

So I talked with Lissa, letting her know the reasons I had to leave. We agreed on keeping it a secret from everyone else and although she wanted to come along with me, I convinced her to stay at least until graduation. Then she could catch up with me if she wanted and she could bring along Christian only if he agreed to keep the secret as well. She gave me some money from her trust-fund and helped me get out of the gate by using compulsion on the guards.

On my journey to find a decent town to settle in, I ran into a Moroi man who had been sent to look for me. He didn't expect to find me pregnant and when he demanded to know who's baby it was, I demanded him to tell me who send him and why did he cared. I ended up finding out he was my father and my mother had send him to look for me.

We argued a lot but eventually he agreed to not tell my mother where I was. I told him about my affair with Dimitri -I couldn't even call it a relationship because it was always hidden - and how that affair had resulted in me getting pregnant. Since he wouldn't believe me, I explained to him my theory, meaning it had something to do with being shadow-kissed. But then, I had to explain what shadow-kissed meant. I keep on forgetting the whole Spirit thing was still new.

He helped me enroll in a local high school in the town he had chosen. He was very good at doing things illegally, I had to wonder what he did for a living for he was very wealthy to be a non-royal Moroi.

He also helped me by providing me with car and buying me a small house. When I tried to denied the help he said to take it up for the lost years.

Eventually I graduated human high school and Lissa and Christian join my rebellious group by coming to live with me.

We had settled here, each one of us finding normal jobs and surprisingly never running into any other Moroi or Dhampir around the town. Which I had to guess Abe had something to do with it but I never questioned him about it.

Christian had opted for opening a small restaurant and Lissa help him administrating the place. They got married here and bought the house next door to mine after they had their little girl -Alexandra Rhea Dragomir-Ozera. Turns out Princess Vasilisa also ran away pregnant four months later.

I, on the other hand stick to what I knew by becoming a police officer after I gave birth to my little Matthew, becoming one of the youngest officers on duty, thanks to my Dhampir genes.

Abe, my old man had kept his promise in keeping us hidden from the Moroi world. How? Who knows but he has. He visits us whenever his job allows him too. He has become really attached to Matty and me and it feels great to have a parent who supports me without judging.

I left my precious little boy sleeping while I took a shower. Today was a special day and we had planned to celebrate it later in the afternoon in our backyard. Besides Lissa, Christian, Lexi and Abe, we had a few human friends in the town that were joining our celebration. So I had a lot of shopping to do today.

When I finished with my shower, I blew dried my hair and put a light coat of make-up along with mascara and eyeliner. I put on some black jeans with a red top and black heeled booties. Since its October a light jacket was a have too.

I got Matthew's diaper bag ready and cheeked my purse to see if I had everything. Once I placed everything by the sofa, I went to wake my precious prince. After changing his diaper and out of his pajamas we headed for the kitchen to eat breakfast.

I was cleaning up when the doorbell rang. "Come in!" I knew it was Lissa and Christian with Lexi thanks to the bond and she had a spare key to my house just like I had one to theirs. She was dropping off Lexi. We had them in daycare during the week and weekends were our days off, but today Lissa was helping out Christian since one of his employees called in sick and didn't have time to schedule someone else in.

"Happy Birthday Matty!" Christian and Lissa said together, both hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Matty turned his attention to Lexi who he loved. He was so young, yet we could see how protective he had become of her. He smiled at her before saying "Lexi!"

I locked up the house while Christian and Lissa helped me putting the kids in their car seats while I placed our bags in the front seat next to me. We said our goodbyes and each headed for our own destinations.

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