Part 22

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Rose' POV

My father had found a couple of acres for sale not far from the Belikova's home. It was amazing the wonders Abe could pull off. The house was almost done.

The home consisted of seven master bedrooms, eight bathrooms, the kitchen, dining room and living room along with a playroom. It even had a basement, where Sydney had a laboratory and Dhampirs kept equipment. It also houses Abe's men.

There was a big yard, with a playground area for the kids, but most of it had become a training area.

Dimitri, Christian, Eddie and I had recruited Dhampirs willing to fight and started training them. After Sydney tested positive the possibility of Strigoi becoming immune to the sun with Matty's blood, we knew the town was in danger.

We were thankful that the Strigoi didn't get any extra strength or access to wards, but access to the sun alone was enough.

However, on the last six months, there had been no Strigoi attacks. It worried us, because we knew the "rumor" was out there. We had expected them to come within days from the airport attack, but none had come.

To us, it could only mean they were creating an Army of their own. After the attack on the Academy, we knew it was possible for them to work together with a common goal, not to mention had aid from humans.

I had proven true another weapon for us besides the stakes. Silver bullets. We had an advantage as well.

Nonetheless, we tried to maintain as regular lives as we could. Lissa and Christian had opened another restaurant. Adrian became showing off his artist skills. Abe kept his mobster businesses going on. Jeanine, Eddie, Dimitri and I with the trainings. Mia had joined us, we didn't want to add another Moroi live to our plates, but we needed a water user to help with wards and stakes.

Love managed to emerge within all chaos. Dimitri and I were planning our wedding. Adrian and Sydney had become an official couple, as well as Eddie and Mia. Abe and Jeanine eloped. Lissa and Christian remain the amazing married couple they were, and the kids were growing healthy and happy.

Oksana -our new Moroi, Spirit user friend, had helped Lissa and Adrian create charms to keep their darkness at bay as well for me. Mark, her husband who was shadow-kissed as well, was helping me keep the ghosts away.

To the humans in town, we looked like a happy family along with amazing friends, and although we were, we had a constant threat of Strigoi attacking any minute.

We knew our lives were in constant danger, but we had built our own army and they were becoming stronger each day.

* Well, here is yet another part to my not-so-short story. I hope you enjoyed it.

Let me know what you think of it on the comments, and don't forget to vote!

Q1: For those who have seen the Vampire Academy movie, what do you think of it? Does it make justice to the book? Are the actors good representation of the characters?

What did you do first, read the books and then watch the movie? Or like in my case, saw the movie and then read the books?

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