Part 26

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Dimitri's P.o.V.

Strigoi burned before our eyes as the silver-magic-infused grenades exploded. Many others dropped dead, after silver bullets penetrated their hearts.

However, a few managed to evade both, grenades and bullets, and before any of us could stop it, a Strigoi pushed a human near the wards, and quickly, the human had managed to deactivate it with a silver stake.

One, one was all it needed to reach across and grabbed my wife, pulling her towards the group of Strigoi.

"Rose!" Echoed my scream along with Christian's.

I ran towards her, but a set of Strigoi attacked me, tackling me down to the ground. In any other senario, I would've been dead. But the need to help my wife, protect my son, gave me strength to kill the Strigoi.

However, by the time I had staked the last Strigoi, Rose was gone, and so was Christian.

Christian's P.o.V.

I followed the two Strigoi and human that had captured Rose. Explosions, screams, and battle cries sourounded the area, and for once, it was a good thing. The Strigoi could not tell I was following.

They stopped by what seemed to be the gathering point, and luckily for me, all tents were empty. Only the Strigoi leading the way, the one carrying Rose, and the human. Rose dangled, head down, from the Strigoi's shoulder.

I knew I had to attack quick. The noise of the battle were fading, and soon, either more Strigoi would come, retreating, or the Strigoi here would kill me and take of with Rose, leaving no trace.

I had very little fire left in me, and I needed to act fast. The leading Strigoi paced around with a device on his hand, as if waiting for a call. The other, after placing Rose down on the ground, was feeding on the human. At least, that was one less threat to worry about.

I saw Rose shift, and very careful, she reached for her stake. As I realized that both Strigoi were to distracted to notice her movement, I knew that was my chance.

I took a deep breath, as I let it out, my hands channeled the fire. I ran towards them, as much speed as a trained Moroi could managed, and aimed two small fire balls to their heads.

As the first fire ball hit one with the head, Rose stood up, plunging the stake right through its heart.

The second, however, missed, and as I lost my ability to stand, I saw him coming for me, ready to finish me off.


A faint familiar voice kept drawing me out of my dazed state. "Christian! Wake up!" Rose, it was Rose's voice.

Weakly, I managed to open my eyes. She was covered in blood, and as I looked around I notice more Strigoi bodies than there were before I lost it.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"No time for that," she rushed, helping me up to my feet. "We need to go."

As I got to my feet, five Strigoi came out of the woods, ready to strike. Hunger was also written on their faces, after fighting and being defeated, one must guess they are starving; and here I was, a weak Royal Moroi, next to a tired Dhampir.

Rose positioned herself in front of me, as she took her stake out. I hated not being able to help her, but I had no more fire in me. I needed to feed, just like the Strigoi.

Both parties waited for the other to take the first move. Rose didn't mind the wait, she needed the rest. However, the Strigoi were inpatient, hunger playing a major part of it.

The youngest of the Strigoi, a former Moroi, took the first shot. He felt confident over his speed, but Rose was faster, and as the Strigoi opened his mouth, ready to take a bite and not fight, Rose stabbed him in the heart. It was easier than taking a candy from a baby.

One down. Four more to go.

The Strigoi were being careful. Even among them, Rose was famous. Not only was she the mother of the child they craved the blood from, but she was more dangerous than a Strigoi when she let the darkness take over.

I was sure that the bodies I had seen when I woke up, and her bloody body had been the result of that darkness. But I wonder if she had any left in her.

The four Strigoi decided to go for her at once; all speeding her way. But not even a second after, had their faces revealed that they had made a huge mistake. I couldn't see Rose's face, but from the fear in their eyes, I could tell she had unleashed the last of the darkness. She grabbed the first Strigoi by its hand, pulling him directly to her stake, driving it straight through his heart. The other three stepped back enough to be able to calculate their next move.

One attempted to attack from behind her, and when she turned to stake that one, another came at her. The Strigoi trapped Rose in a choke hold from behind. Rose, however, showed no fear in her eyes. Still filled with darkness.

"Once I kill you," whispered the Strigoi to Rose's ear, "no one will stop us from getting your son."

Rose, filled with more anger from the threat to her son, stabbed the Strigoi in its hand with the stake. As the Strigoi dropped Rose, I notice that Rose had scratched her throat on the process. And although she was bleeding, in the moment she wasn't going to let her stop her. In the moment of pain for the Strigoi, Rose killed her.

She finished the last one easily.

She stood for a moment, surrounded by the Strigoi bodies, before turning to face me. She held her hand to her throat, attemtping to stop the bleeding, but it was not enough. The cut had been deeper than I first thought.

She looked weak, and I could see fear in her eyes. She tried to speak, but no words came out. I rushed to her side, when I notice she was losing stability, and caught her in my arms before she hit the ground, and as I looked upon her face, her eyes closed.

Hello!! I know, I am sorry for the long wait, but here it is. Another part. I hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to share your thoughts with me on the comments, and vote. 😊

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