Part 8

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Dimitri's POV

Rose, Matthew and I sat on the small reception area of the clinic, waiting for the test results.

I had mixed emotions over the test. One, I felt pathetic. I knew the answer already. Negative. Dhampirs could not have children with other Dhampirs. It has been like that since the beginning of time, why would it change now? But my heart felt hope. Hope that there might be the slightest chance he could be mine.

I felt betrayed by the thought of Rose sleeping with someone else and anger at the Moroi who got her pregnant and left her alone. Maybe it was Adrian and that's why he was so desperate in finding them as well.

But at the end, I felt ashamed; I felt ashamed for even doubting Rose.

Rose was extremely calm, just kept watching as I debated with myself mentally.

Saturday, after Rose introduce me to Matthew, she introduce me to Abe. He mentioned how she never spoke of Matty's father with anyone. How whenever she was asked about him she would answer with "He doesn't even know about him and I don't have the courage to tell him."

Yet, the moment I walked out the doors, everyone stop what they were doing and kept staring at me. I kept overhearing their loud whispers with my Dhampir hearing about how I "just had to be the father."

Abe confessed to me that he too doubt the possibility of Matty being mine and when he saw me his doubts eased a little bit. He too saw a small resemblance.

My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse calling my name.

I stood almost robot like and grabbed the envelope she offered me.

I asked Rose if we could go to a park. I didn't want to be in a clinic while I read the results. Either response was going to take a toll on me and I preferred to be surrounded with fresh air than hospital scent.

When we arrived at the park, Rose left me to myself like I asked and headed for the playground with Matty.

I didn't know what my reaction was going to be, with either answer. My sanity was at the edge of the cliff and the least thing I wanted was to react the wrong way in front of Rose and Matty.

I remained standing as I opened the envelope. Although I knew it was best if I was seated while I read the results but my body wouldn't allow it.

I tare it open and with anxiety and anticipation, I glance at the results.

*Okay, so here is another part of the story. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think by commenting and voting. ☺

From now on, I will do my best to update at least once a week and if I can and inspiration hits me, I will do it more frequently.

Thank you so much to all who've read my short story. ☺*

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