Part 16

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Rose's POV

I knew they didn't understand the reason I brought along the Strigoi, yet they didn't question me but instead help me get him tied up to the bed. You would think four Dhampirs and one fire user was enough to put him down but he put a fight and we couldn't kill him. Yet.

"Leave." I said once it had been done.

"What?" Dimitri asked, eyes almost popping out of his sockets.

"I need to do this alone." I had one weapon that I knew would be effective on him and I couldn't risk it with them in the room.

"No way! I'm staying," said Dimitri.

The rest nodded in agreement, except Christian. "Are you...?" he asked. He didn't need to word it out. He knew me well. Like I said, we had become great partners during the last two years. We had developed a different type of bond than Lissa's and mine. We liked to compare it to twins' telepathy.


"Okay." He walked towards me and gave me a hug before kissing my forehead. "Come back to us." He whispered in my ear.

Not only did Dimitri look confused but he looked jealous and for only that reason, I let him stay with me.

"Dimitri. Please do NOT come anywhere near me during my interrogation," I demanded him while I handed him a gun. "Aim at my arm, it always brings me back."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, panic written all over his face.

"If it doesn't work, aim at my heart. And shoot."

While all of this was happening, the Strigoi had kept on attempting to break loose from the chains but the moment I faced him, he stopped.

He slowly met my eyes and when he did, I embraced my darkness, letting it take over me.

The fear from earlier returned the moment he saw it and I couldn't help but to smirk as I took out my stake.

Dimitri's POV

I couldn't understand what Rose was saying, but she didn't give me time to ask.

I saw her eyes go full on black, the same they were earlier today as she took out her stake. I understood then. She wanted me to shoot her to bring her back from the darkness.

I stood, frozen in my spot as I watch her climbed over his torso and aimed her stake at the Strigoi's throat. "Now, tell me. How did you find us?" she snarled at him.

For the first time in my life, I saw fear in the eyes of a Strigoi but he did his best to act indifferent and threaten her with weak words. "I will kill you bloodwhore."

Rose pushed the sharp end of her stake into his flesh, making him cry out in pain. "Answer me!"

When he didn't, she aimed for a different spot but he yelled, "Tasha Ozera!" before she could do any more damage.

"Don't lie to me!" she yelled. "It's true!" he pleaded.

"Why? Why would she do that?"

"I've said enough and you are going to kill me either way." He gave up. I saw how any hope he had banished his eyes. And those are two more emotions I never expected from a Strigoi.

"Oh, I am," said Rose with an evil smile, "But I can make it a painful and slow death. I will make cuts until you pass out and then heal and then all over again until you are begging me to finish it but I won't until I get the answers I want. Or I can make it fast, if you cooperate."

The Strigoi swallowed, fear consuming every feature of his face. "Not to mention, I will let you starve."

At that, Rose re-opens the cut she had made on her palm with the stake and watch as the Strigoi craved her blood.

For the next ten minutes, I watched Rose torture the Strigoi who by then was begging to be killed. When she got all the answers she wanted, she stabbed him close to the heart only to make him pass out with the pain.

"You missed the heart!" I said too loud. She turned those deep black eyes at me, "Are you questioning me Comrade?" she asked with an evil smirk on her face.  "No."

She got up slowly, making her way towards me, eyes still pitch black. "Rose. Rose!" I pulled out the gun she gave me and aimed it at her arm like she said. But I couldn't bring myself to shoot at her. But when she didn't stop and saw her coming at me with her stake, I shot her. In the arm just like she had said.

She fell back with the impact. Christian barged in the room, others behind him. "Dimitri!" I heard Jeanine yelled.

I turned to where Rose had fallen but she was on her feet, still with pitch black eyes, coming right for me.

I raised my weapon but I couldn't do it. I couldn't shoot the woman who had given me a child. I knew she wasn't herself at the moment but she always came back. Wouldn't she?

I lowered my gun; I wasn't going to kill her. I rather her kill me than the other way around. But before she could take another step towards me, she was consumed by fire.

She screamed in place with agony; I tried to help her but an invisible wall kept me from doing so. I turned to see Christian and Lissa working together to keep everyone out of helping her.

"What are you doing?!" yelled Adrian in panic and fear.  Abe tried to push everyone out of the small room.

Jeanine was in shock.

Finally, Rose passed out and everything stopped.

Lissa rushed to her side and healed her right before she passed out as well.

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