Part 15

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**Warning. This part is unedited. Since I haven't post lately, I thought I should spare you another day waiting.

Well, enjoy my fellow readers and VA fanatics. :)

Please, don't forget to vote and comment! :) **

Rose's POV

We were walking, almost running towards our jet since the sun was almost setting. We hadn't expected a crash on our way here and the traffic had slowed us down for two hours. Lissa, Abe, Adrian and Sydney with the kids had gone in the plane and my mom was a little past the door when Strigoi attacked us.

My mother and I shared a quick glance, she looked quickly towards Christian and I did too. He nodded and so I did to my mom. My mother wanted Christian in the plane, for not only was his Moroi but he was Royal. What she didn't know was that Christian and I had developed a fighting bond.

I shut the door to the plane and my mother made sure it stayed locked. She made sure the pilot moved the jet away from where chaos had broken loose.

Everything happened so fast. There were two Strigoi on Eddie, three on Dimitri and three more coming our way, towards Christian.

My stake had been out the moment I felt the nausea hit me, the only advantage I had that helped me get the door close.

Christian created fireballs on his hands and threw them at the Strigoi making their way towards us. They didn't kill them but they distracted them enough to allow me to kill the first one.

Christian did the same towards Eddie and Dimitri's targets. Soon, we had each kill one Strigoi but we had five more and Christian was soon running out of energy. He helped Eddie with his last kill before collapsing to the ground. Eddie went to help me but I shook my head no. Dimitri had the oldest Strigoi since he was a bigger threat than me.

I did my best to keep them off Christian but when I got my second kill, the third Strigoi went for Christian, taking blood and leaving him paler than he was. The darkness I kept at bay exploded and I went full on crazy. Stabbing him everywhere but the heart, making him suffer with each burn the charmed silver created on their skin. For the first time, I saw something in his eyes that I never expected to see in a Strigoi. Fear.

I was on top of him about to stab him in the stomach one more time when Dimitri's voice broke through.


I looked up to see that Eddie and him had not just killed the Strigoi left but they were both facing me with shock and fear on their eyes.

Eddie kept on holding to his arm and my first thought was that one of the sucker had bite him but he wouldn't be able to stand, not with the venom that made them high.

"Rose! He was just trying to help!" Dimitri yelled at me again.

Help? Who was trying to help? It clicked. I was the one that had hurt Eddie.

I close my eyes and soon I felt my body relieved. The pressure of the darkness being lifted.

When I opened my eyes, I looked at what I had done. What was under me. The Strigoi was passed out from the pain I had created but he was recovering. I could see some of the scars healing.

I got off him and walked towards Christian. Dimitri and Eddie still stood froze about five feet from me. Watching my every move. They didn't know that I no longer felt the darkness. All I wanted to do was help Christian.

"Call Jeanine." I told them and with that, Dimitri ran towards me while Eddie took his phone out.

"Rose are you okay?" Dimitri asked as I took out my pocket knife and kneeled before Christian. "What are you doing?"

"Calm down Dimitri, I am fine. Now." I looked up to give him a reassuring smile.

I took the knife to my palm and cut it right in the middle, blood soon spilling out. "Rose!" I heard Dimitri yell but I ignored him. He didn't know that Christian and I had worked out every single detail of our paired fights, including him exhausting himself.

I opened Christian's mouth and pour the blood that had been on my palm for the last couple of seconds. I fed him until my palm stopped bleeding and seconds later he woke up. See, this was the only way I could help him without getting weak myself.

Christian looked at me and smiled. He sat up and gave me a bear hug while Eddie and Dimitri looked totally confused.

*I hope you enjoyed it. I will do my best to update more often. Meanwhile, I've been looking for something new to read - VA related or not - any recommendations? **

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