Part 5

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Dimitri's POV

After finally convincing the rest of the group that it was best for only the two of us to go, we headed for the airport, getting the first flight nearest to the small town Jeanie had tracked the call to. The time seemed to go by slowly.

We hadn't confirmed if they were there yet but there was a good feeling to it.

We arrived to the airport late morning and rented a car, stopping only to pick something up to eat on our way to town. We made it a little past one in the afternoon and decided to head straight to the police station.

We entered and headed for the small reception area.

"What can I help you with?" asked a young woman behind the glass.

"Hello, we are seeking for two young girls by the name of Rosemarie Hathaway and Vasilisa Dragomir along with a boy named Christian Ozera. We are to believe they might be residing in this town, do you happen to know them?" Jeanine asked in her professional-all-business tone showing her three school pictures.

The girl quickly widen her eyes at the mention of the names but confirmed it by the look on her face after seeing the pictures. "Hold on please." She got up and headed through a door. After a few minutes later she came back through another door, one that was out in the lobby.

"Please, follow me." She led us through a hall before leading us into an office. Two desks occupied the little office. But there was only one officer, who stood the moment we walked in.

"Officer Jason Grey, how can I assist you?" he said extending his hand first to Jeanine then me.

"I am Jeanine Hathaway and this is Dimitri Belikov." Jeanine introduced us.

"We are looking for these three teenagers." She spread the pictures on his desk. "Vasilisa Dragomir," she said pointing to her picture, "Christian Ozera," doing the same "and Rosemarie Hathaway, my daughter."

The officer seemed to be debating on what to do next. "Are they in trouble?" he finally asked.

"So you do know them." I finally spoke.

"I will not answer you until you answer me."

"No." I simply said.

"Then I don't see why you need to find them." Officer Jason replied.

Before I could lose my temper, Jeanine said, "Rose here is my daughter! She's been missing for almost two years! I just need to see her!" okay she was losing it but we also now know she is living here.

The guy took mercy on us and sighs sitting down on his chair.

"Rose here goes by Mazur instead of Hathaway. She lives about a mile from here. Lissa and Chris here are her best friends well more like her family; they own a restaurant here in town. She works here, she is my partner actually. That right there is her desk." He pointed at the other desk sitting in the office.

Jeanine and I sigh with relieved that we finally found them and that they are doing well.

"Do you know where we could find them?" I asked the guy. Of course he does, he just said they lived a mile away but I needed an exact address.

"Yes, but I would have to consult with Mazur first. She would beat me up otherwise." So Rose still has her temper. "I'll call her." He said taking his personal phone out.

"Wait!" Jeanine said, "Don't tell her we are looking for her just...just ask her where she is and maybe we can just 'randomly' run into her."

"Well, that's if she is out and about, today is a big day," he said and turned to look at the clock, "And by now she should be home getting ready."

"Big day?" I asked. Oh my, please don't tell me she is getting married or something, I mean Abe was probably coming to give her away at the altar.

"Yeah" was all he said.

He dialed the number and put the phone to his ear.

"Can you put her on speaker phone?" asked Jeanine.

The officer gave us a weird look but complied anyways.

"Hello" oh that voice, how I missed it. I had to blink away the tears that threated to spill any moment now.

"Mazur, it's Jason, I am coming out my shift and I was wondering if you needed any help with the party." Party? Oh my nerves had the best of me right now.

"Aww thanks Jase but I am on my way to the last stop at the bakery and my dad and Christian have everything under control back home."

"Oh okay then, well I'll see you at four."

"Okay, bye Jase." She hanged up.

He put his phone down and said, "Well, she is on her way to the bakery."

We said our thank you and headed for the address to the bakery he had given us. He said he would see us later at the party if things went well.

"Do you think she is getting married?" I asked Jeanine, not taking it any longer.

"I doubt it. Calm down Belikov." Jeanine tried to reassure me but I just couldn't. Something big was happening but I was missing a major piece to the puzzle.

We parked across the street from the bakery and headed for it. From the window I saw her hair. Only her hair and I knew we found her. She kept it long and had it down today. She turned the moment the little bell on the door rang and her eyes widen at the sight of us.

"Mom? Dimitri?" she asked clearly surprised to see us.

She took a deep breath but a lady came outside from the back holding a box which I am assuming is a cake before any of us could say a word.

"Here you go Officer Mazur." She said placing the box on the counter. Rose reached in her purse, taking out a wallet then a card and paying.

"Thank you Lindy. Have a good day." Roza said to the young girl before turning to head out.

We followed her out and before I could speak she said, "Follow me, we'll talk when we get to my house," without looking back at us.

Jeanine and I hurried to our car and started it as we saw Rose placing the cake in the passenger seat and making her way to the driver's seat to an SUV. We followed her out and five minutes later we pulled up to a house. She parked in the drive way while we parked in the front. She got the cake out and headed for the front door, Jeanine and I right behind her.

Before she opened the door she said, "Please, don't jump to conclusions and let me explain before you start judging."

"Okay." Jeanie and I said in unision.

And in the house we went.

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