Part 7

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Okay, so I apologize for the long wait. I had to reread what I had and work from there since I lost what I had.

It is not much but its something to get me back on track.

Let me know what you think of it. ☺

Thank you and enjoy! ☺

Dimitri's POV

Rose walked in the room holding a small boy. He had brown hair with brown eyes that could be either hers or mine yet he looked like me. Maybe it was my mind, playing ticks on me but my heart kept telling me otherwise.

In that moment, I realized that little Matthew will be my son. Even if he was not my blood, I will love him because I love Rose and I will not lose her again. I will protect them and love them until I die.

"Dimitri," Roza interrupted my thoughts, "I will like to introduce you to Matthew Alexander."

I reached for him the moment we were close enough. My mind kept telling me to hold back. Take it easy. But my heart, my heart was anxious to be with him. It felt like coming out of the water for air after being under for quite some time.

Too late did I think he could have cried in strangers arms but he smiled at me. A wide one-tooth smile.

Time slowed, my heart skipped a beat. In that moment it was only Rose, Matty and me. The weight that had been on me for the past two years lifted. Leaving me with pure joy.

Matthew was playing with the edges of the collar of my duster when I realized Rose had tears in her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I quickly asked her. The last thing I wanted was to bring sadness into her life. I wanted her to be happy.

"Sorry. I just didn't expect this today." She confessed.

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