Part 12

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Rose's POV

Dimitri and I continue to watch Tasha rant on about how much she hates me. She didn't even hold back the fact that she was a vampire and a human was present. Yet, Jason didn't move an inch. He kept on listening and let us listen as well.

"Damn bloodwhore!" Tasha finally ended her tantrum and without another word climbed in her SUV and drove off.

Ahg! I swear, if it wasn't because I am trying to stay out of sight and she is Christian's only family, I would've gotten down already and beat the crap out of her. Bitch.

Back to reality, I notice Jason invited Adrian and Eddie in and hung up the phone. I pulled out of his driveway and parked in front of my own house.

"Rose, are you sure you want them to know?" Dimitri asked as I turned off the ignition.

"Dimitri, Eddie is one of my best friends and he will not be at ease until he knows I'm okay. Especially after Mason." I explained to him.

After Mason died, Eddie and I had become way more overprotective of each other. We were both doing it on behalf of Mason, at least that's how it felt at the beginning. But now, we had become brother and sister.

"Okay but what about Adrian?" Although he really tried, I could still hear the jealousy on him. First Jason, now Adrian. Comrade, I love you!

"Adrian is a good guy Dimitri. You have to give him some credit."

He seemed to trust my judgment and so with a small smile from each other we got off the truck and in we went to the house.

"Mazur, care to explain what that was about? And did that lady had fangs?" as soon as we walked in, Jason started asking me questions.

"Tasha is Christian's aunt but she doesn't like me, okay?" I explained to him.

"Yeah, I notice. She called you a bloodwhore, what the hell is that?" He kept on with the questions.

As much as I cared and trusted him, I couldn't confide in him about who I was. Not only because it would most probably ruin what we have, but because it didn't just affect me. It affected Lissa and Christian and Lexi. They did had fangs and fed off blood, they could be killed for it.

And so I looked at Adrian, who quickly caught on with me without the need of words. He approached Jason and places his hands on Jason's shoulders. "Jason, you will forget all about Tasha."

I hated doing this to Jason, after all he was one of my closet friend here, but it was all for his good as well. He left shortly after.

As I explained to Eddie and Adrian where and what I've been doing for the past two years, Christian and Lissa came home. My parents came just shortly after we had finish our story and thankfully, they had dinner.

We were all gather in the living room watching a movie. Matty and Lexi were both asleep in a playpen.

Things seemed to have worked out fine. We all had found happiness. I got Dimitri and Eddie back. My parents were back together. Lissa and Christian were happy with Lexi. Matty was safe and sound and he finally had his daddy. Adrian and Eddie were joining us in Turkey and Adrian and Lissa were happy to still be able to discover Spirit.

I smiled as I see my new family. We were all happy and on the verge of a new chapter on a foreign country. The thought of new adventures and opportunities thrilled us even more knowing we got to share it with each other.

But sadly, the peaceful atmosphere was soon surrounded by the sound of guns being fired and glass shattering at the contact of them. The cries of the little ones carried out along with Vasilisa's screams.

*It's short, I know, but I really hope you enjoy it. Who do you prefer telling the story, Dimitri or Rose?

Don't forget to vote and comment. :) Also, please checkout my other sotries, Another Fate and VA one-shots and let me know what you think of them, should I continue them or not?

Thank you so much! Enjoy! :)

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