Part 6

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Dimitri's POV

She had a lovely home. She showed us directly to the kitchen but on our way there, I noticed what must be the living room and also something that looked a lot like a playroom. Does she also baby-sit besides being a cop? 

Roza took the cake out of its box and set it on the counter. My curiosity got the best of me and I leaned in to see it.

'Happy 1st Birthday Matthew!'  Who was Matthew? Could it be that Rose had a son?

"You had a son" I meant to ask but it came out more as a statement. I mean, it could be she is throwing a party for the kid she baby-sits or maybe he is Lissa's. Maybe she adopted a baby. But as much as I wanted to believe in any of those, I knew Rose better than anyone, and she was not a baby person unless it was Lissa's or hers.

"Yes." That was all she said and before either Jeanie or I could start asking questions, a man who I assumed was Abe from Jeanie descriptions walked it.

"Baby girl, we..." he stayed quiet at the sight of us, his face quickly changing from happy and relaxed to angry and tensed.

"Here Dad, take the cake outside and start without me. I...I need to take care of something."

Abe hesitated for a second and then grabbed the cake from the counter and before walking back out to what I assumed was the patio, he whispered something to Rose and then kissed her forehead.

The moment he closed the door, I turned to Rose, "Who's the father?"

Jeanie looked stunned at my tone and to be honest, so was I, but Rose wasn't; she was expecting this.

"You are."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" How dare her, to even think I can be fool enough to believe such thing.

"Believe it or not, you are. I've only been with one guy and that's you." The way she said it, it was almost as if she didn't care if I believe her or not, like she was telling me out of courtesy more than anything.

"What do you say it like that? Like you are doing me a favor by telling me?"

"What do you want me to do? Beg you to believe me?" she sounded tired with a spark of anger, "I left for the same reason. No one will believe me and I don't need that around my child. Among humans is easier to pass by as a single mother than it is in the Moroi world. Less questions. So now if you'll excuse me, I have a little boy's birthday to celebrate." She made her way past me but I couldn't let her go. I then realized that we were alone, Jeanie had gone...outside? I don't know.

I grabbed her wrist and made her look at me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you wouldn't have believed me! No one does but Lissa and Christian. I will not waste my time to convince you or anyone else. I rather spend the time with my son, plus you left! Remember?" I noticed the single tear that escaped her beautiful brown eyes. I reached out to wipe it but she beat me to it.

"Roza..." she closed her eyes at sound of her old Russian nickname almost as if I had slapped her.

"Dimitri, please." She begged with her eyes still closed. "What do you want? Why are you here?" This time she opened her eyes and they seemed to be seeking the answer to her questions in my eyes.

"I...I am here for you. Why did you leave?" Now I was the one who sounded defeated. The anger I felt at first was long gone.

She looked everywhere but at me, debating whether to tell me or not. I was about to demand the answers but she sighed and lead me to what I had seen earlier. The playroom.

"I was scared. I didn't know what to do or who to tell and you had gone with Tasha. All I knew, it was I was having an impossible child and I didn't know what they were going to do to me or the baby in case they believed me. So I went to Lissa, my one and only who supported my idea of leaving the academy. She helped me by using compulsion on the guards and like always, reaching into her trust fund to help me out. Abe eventually found me and after some talking and using strong Rose-logic, he helped me out by not reporting back to my mother."

By now she was holding a picture that I didn't get to see but it must be special because she had tears in her eyes.

"The first four months were hell." She laughed softly, "The smell of doughnuts made me want to barf and you know how much I love them." She wiped some tears off her face, giving me a small smile, "I was so scared, especially when I went to the doctor for the first time, I wanted to punch everyone for giving me that look of pity for the teenager that got knocked up but then I heard Matthew's little heartbeat. At that moment I forgot what the world thought of me, I felt like everything was going to be okay but another fear grew-the fear of losing my little one. I wanted to call you..." She looked sad at the memory but after taking a deep breath her face was composed once again.

"Eventually Lissa and Christian joined me and things got better. But then the day came," she handed me then the picture she was holding. It was a picture of a scared and tired Rose holding a little baby while sitting down on a hospital bed. She looked like she had battled many Strigoi but even through the picture I could see a glow in her. A glow I've only seen on my mother after having Viktoria and in Karo after having Paul.

"I swear, it was the worst pain of my life yet the moment I saw his face, those beautiful brown eyes that reminded me of you, it all went away. He healed the pain I felt without magic, just by being him. You know, I spend many nights awake with a crying Matthew and at that moment I was thankful I was a Dhampir and was able to endure going without sleep but you will never guess how I got him to calm down." She turned to look at me with a smirk and then got up heading for a bookshelf full of books. Since when did Rose like to read?

"I bought a few western books when I was alone, they helped me sleep on my lonely nights because they reminded me of you." She pulled out one and brought it back to where we were sitting. "I read it to him and he finally started to calm down."

I looked at the book and I laughed. I laughed so hard that even I was surprised by it. But it wasn't just a joyful laugh. It was a scared and nervous one. I was scared that my hopes were rising into believing that the woman I love was able to give me what I've always wanted, a child. I was scared that it all could be a lie and here I almost believed it. I was nervous for it being true and me not being a good father. But a part of me couldn't help but feel joy at thought of my possible kid loving old westerns. I was now crying, my laughs had become sobs and tears kept pouring out. Rose rushed to my side and held me as I tried to get a hold of myself. She didn't say a thing but she didn't have to. She knew me better than I knew myself and so she said. "I promise you, I am not lying but first thing Monday morning, we'll go to the hospital and get a DNA test. It will give you some peace of mind." But it only made me cry harder, how could I not believe the woman whom I love? Because it is been known to be impossible but Rose...Rose herself was someone impossible. She had died and was brought back by Lissa with a long forgotten power. Spirit.

"Do you want to meet him?" Roza asked stopping my theory and hopeful explanation to all of this.

"May I?" I knew Rose still had her own doubts about me accepting the whole thing and I didn't blame her.

"Wait here." She left the room and I started pacing around the room trying to compose myself.

A few minutes passed and my nerves were burning me alive. Then I heard footsteps approaching and a little soft laugh that melted my heart by the simple sound of it.

**Here it's another part of the story. I hope you like it, let me know what you think. :) **

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