1. He's someone else, he's something else

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"Goodbye Oliver,"

The memory of Felicity leaving Nanda Parbat without Oliver replayed in her mind as she sat in her office at Palmer Tech. It always plagued her mind like a broken record constantly on repeat.

Felicity closed her eyes, allowing her thoughts to drift away. She remembered turning her back on him for the last time. Too afraid to look back, knowing her Oliver was gone the minute she said bye.

She understood his sacrifice; she even respected it. He was doing it for the only family he had left, the one person he probably loved more than life itself: Thea. But Felicity loved him too. How could she simply go on with her life without him being in it?

As she boarded the jet, Diggle tried to talk to her. However she just wanted to be alone.


"Felicity?" A voice ripped her away from her trip down memory lane.

"Yeah?" She replied in a monotone voice.

Opening her eyes, she saw the source of the voice. It was Ray.

"Just checking on you...I was also wondering if you wanted to grab a cup of coffee B.T.W.?" He shoved his hands in his pocket nervously.

The only thing Felicity wanted was to have Oliver come back in her life and never leave. However, since he basically sold his soul to the devil, that wasn't going to happen.

"Sure," Felicity accepted Ray's offer.

She shut down her laptop and grabbed her peach colored blazer from around her chair.

"You've been really quiet lately." Ray nudged her as they headed towards the elevator.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She frowned.

"Well usually you can't stop talking." He laughed.

"I guess I have nothing to say." She shrugged her shoulders.

"It's been over a month Felicity."

Felicity said nothing. The elevator landed on the first floor, so she made her way towards the exit.

With a sigh, Ray followed after her.

"I'm just saying Oliver made his choice. You don't have to suffer because of it."

"I thought we were going to have coffee not a therapy session." Felicity snapped.

"You're right, sorry." Ray held a hand up in surrender.

They waited for his car to be brought around to the front and then headed towards The Grind & Jolt cafe.

The place was unusually quiet for a Monday morning.

Ray went to the counter to put their order in while Felicity grabbed a seat near a window.

"Here ya go," Ray placed a hot cup of coffee in front of her moments later.

"Thanks," She said as she reached for it.

"So this is nice right?" Ray tried to strike up a conversation once again.

"We're having coffee in an empty coffee shop. What's so nice about it?" Felicity said bitterly.

She instantly regretted taking such a harsh tone with Ray. He was only trying to help.

"Sorry. I don't know what came over me." She quickly blurted out.

"It's alright. You're going through a lot." He waved off her apology.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now