23. Tempers flare + baby scare

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Thea had stayed with them for a few more days. Both for Oliver's peace of mind and because Thea wasn't ready to face Laurel again. Malcolm gave them more information on Thea's blood lust. He said it was one of the consequences of using the pit to bring her back. Sadly, he said it would only grow worse, and the only cure was for her to kill. Thea jokingly suggested going on a killing spree at Iron Heights. Neither Oliver nor Felicity saw the humor in it.

"I should just go back to our old place. I'll be alright." Thea said as she joined Oliver and Felicity in the kitchen for breakfast one morning.

"We like having you here." Felicity told her with a smile. 

"Thanks, but you both heard Malcolm loud and clear. I'm dangerous and I'm not going to stick around so the murderous thoughts can come back again."

"That was different. You were out in the field." Oliver reminded her.

"You don't know what might happen. Face it Ollie, this is one issue you just can't fix." Thea sighed and pushed her plate away.

Oliver refused to believe that. He'd die before he gave up on Thea. He sat down next to Felicity, but he felt his appetite slipping away too. Felicity had no problem digging into her food; she was still eating for two and refused to let her food go to waste.

"It's not too late for me to get a bus ticket and just get the hell out of the city. Maybe just until I get this under control."

"And miss the birth of your niece?" Felicity interjected as she pointing her fork at her jokingly.

"She's a Queen so she's stubborn. She might even say in there another month or two." Thea joked.

"Shh, don't give her any ideas." Felicity covered her stomach as if she was covering the baby's ears.

"She has a point, Thea; you can't miss that." Oliver said.

"Okay this isn't fair. You guys can't guilt trip me like this." Thea sighed.

"We aren't. We just want you here, Thea. Is that really such an awful thing?" Oliver asked his sister.

"No it's not! But fighting the urge to kill someone is. I'm not me, Ollie. I'm dangerous. I-

"You're still the little girl who used to run after me and Tommy. You're still my Speedy. Damn it Thea, why can't you see that?!" Oliver stood from his seat.

The chair squeaked as it slid back and Felicity began to grow anxious with all the excitement.

"You're blind, Oliver. I am a monster! I could probably kill you right now and not even blink." Thea shot out of her seat and glared at her brother from across the table.

Felicity took a deep breath. She needed to do something; she had to. She gripped the edge of the table and used it to help her stand. She stared at the Queen siblings. They both were standing their ground and refusing to back down.

You got this, Felicity told herself although she wasn't even sure what 'this' was.

"Oliver, Thea, calm down." She said loud enough for them to hear.

They paused in their stare down and fixed their eyes on her. Their eyes still burning with anger.

"Thea, we don't want you to go. We can fight whatever this is together. I don't know how, but we'll figure it out; we always do. But Oliver, you need to see how hard this is for her. She's scared. You can't save her from everything. Be supportive, love her, but you can't put an arrow through this. You can't—

Felicity closed her eyes tightly as she inhaled sharply. She felt a pang of pain shoot through her. She couldn't be having the baby, could she? Not now. It was so not the right time.

"Felicity?" Oliver was by her side in a flash. So was Thea.

"It's okay," She whispered. "It's probably a false alarm."

"Not taking that chance." Oliver shook his head.

Thea went to grab their hospital bag from their room.

"I'll drive." She offered when she returned.

Oliver helped Felicity into her shoes and out the door.

"I'm almost certain this is nothing. Guys, we weren't finished talking." Felicity protested as Oliver helped her into the back seat of her car.

"This is too small. Why didn't we get a bigger car by now? Oh God," She squeezed Oliver's hand tightly as the pain hit her again.

"Breathe Felicity, just breathe." Oliver whispered as he sat crammed in the back next to her.

Thea stepped on the gas and headed for Star General. She arrived there in little to no time. She had pissed off a few drivers and even ran a light or two, but she didn't care. Consequences be damned. They were there now and that's all that mattered.

Oliver and Thea walked on opposite sides of Felicity as they entered the hospital.

"I need a nurse or doctor right now!" Thea screamed at the lady behind the desk.

She had put down her pen and paged for a doctor.

"How far along is she?" She asked as she stood up to get a better look at the three of them.

"Far enough," Thea barked at her. "My niece is coming and she's not going to be born on some dirty hospital floor. What the hell is taking so long?!"

"Thea," Oliver shook his head at her. "Calm down," he said through gritted teeth. He was just as concerned, but someone had to keep their cool. He didn't want Felicity worrying more because they couldn't hold it together. 

Another nurse appeared shortly with a wheelchair. Felicity sat in it and was wheeled down the hall. Oliver and Thea refused to leave her side despite the nurse saying only Oliver could go with her.

"Has your water broken?" The nurse asked Felicity.

"No, I just started feeling these sharp pains. They aren't contractions though right? I haven't even reached my due date."

"It may be off by a few weeks. It's really just an estimate and babies have a mind of their own. When they are ready, they are going to come."


Forty-five minutes later, Felicity and the Queens were driving back home. They had been Braxton Hicks contractions. The nurse told her to drink lots of water as they left. She had been slightly dehydrated which was also an contributing factor.

She was disappointed when she had been given the news; part of her was ready to meet her baby girl. Oliver and Thea felt the same way.

"It's okay. Queen's like to make an entrance, too. She's still planning her big debut." Thea gave Felicity a sympathetic smirk from the rear-view mirror.

That made her feel better.

"You're right." Felicity laughed.

Oliver smiled down at her and rubbed her bump. The pains had gone away too and for that, Felicity was grateful.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you too," She replied.


The false alarm had worn Felicity out and it was just 2 P.M. She headed straight for her room when they got back home and took a long nap. Thea was in the living room and Oliver returned from checking on Felicity.

"Sorry about earlier." He said softly.

Thea turned her head to see him standing near the other end of the coffee table.

"Me too," 

"I just can't sit back and do nothing Thea. Not when it comes to you or anyone else I love." He said as he sat down in the armchair.

"I know," Thea nodded. "I shouldn't have tried to push you away, but I'm terrified. I don't want to do something I can't come back from." She sighed.

"And you won't. I'll make sure of that, somehow." Oliver reassured her.

"You'll try anyways," Thea added. 

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